Bringing the awesomeness of knex one step closer to ActiveRecord!
NOTE: While I think Bookshelf is a great project, it has the same annoyances that Backbone has where it puts a whole bunch of stuff that I don't want in and around my data. I want a raw Javascript Object!
var ActiveKnex = require('active-knex');
var knex = require('knex')(knexConfig);
// Create your very own Schema right on top of your existing knex object
var MySchema = ActiveKnex.Schema.create(knex, {
tableName: 'table_name',
// Everything else!
Want to load associations into your data object before you res.json? This is for you!
var Player = ActiveKnex.Schema.create(knex, {
tableName: 'players',
relations: {
players: function() {
var Player = require('./player');
return ActiveKnex.Relation.HasMany({
model: Player,
foreignKey: 'team_id'
###Load association data right into your Object
var team = {id: 1};
Team.load(team, 'players').then(function(team) {
team.players; // Array of players
To run the tests
npm install