
A minimalist, responsive, and open-source theme for Ghost

Primary LanguageCSS


A minimalist, responsive, and open-source theme for Ghost by Kathy Qian. You can view it live here.


Required Steps for Installation

  1. Download the files
  2. Manually add/remove all links to static pages by copying (or deleting) the code in crisp/partials/navigation.hbs
  3. Replace the example disqus_shortname with your shortname on line 13 of crisp/post.hbs, or delete the #comments div to remove comments altogether
  4. Configure the follow buttons in crisp/partials/follow.hbs (see section below)
  5. Add the "crisp" folder to the content/themes directory of your Ghost installation
  6. Select the theme in the settings page of your Ghost admin panel

Suggested Customizations

  • Change the link color on line 86 in crisp/assets/styles/crisp.css
  • Add code for Google Analytics in crisp/default.hbs after {{ghost_foot}}
  • Remove irrelevant social sharing services in crisp/partials/share.hbs
  • Change your blog logo to change the favicon and the picture in the sidebar (the blog cover is not used)

Editing Follow Buttons

Crisp uses Font Awesome for icons. See the Font Awesome documentation for the full list of icons and usage tips.

I have placed some common buttons in follow.hbs, with more options in the commented out sections. Make sure to replace the username in the URLs so the links point to your profiles.

Features, Changelog, and Technical Notes

Below is a summary of updates since the initial release. If you need more detail, I suggest reading the full commit history. For an idea of the roadmap, please refer to the current open issues.

This theme has been updated for Ghost 0.4.2 and is compatible with all modern versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE9+.

Version 0.4.1 — April 26, 2014

  • Adds open graph compatibility
  • Improvements to social sharing buttons
  • Minor styling tweaks to follow buttons

Version 0.4.0 — April 25, 2014

  • Added follow buttons
  • Added social sharing buttons
  • Now displays star for featured posts
  • Minor tweaks to tag styling
  • Shortened dates slightly
  • Changes in file structure

Version 0.3.0 — April 24, 2014

  • Added support for tags and tag pages
  • Minor tweaks to be fully compliant with Ghost 0.4.2
  • Squished bug with Disqus integration

Version 0.2.1 — April 4, 2014

  • Squished bug preventing bold text from rendering on older browsers

Version 0.2.0 — March 17, 2014

  • Added post dates to the index page
  • Squished bugs to improve compatibility with older browsers

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial release


Many thanks to @davegandy for the Font Awesome icons used throughout the theme.

Social sharing buttons are a modified version of the Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons by @dbox and @seagoat. Great job, guys!


This theme is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Go crazy on the customizations, distribute to your friends, just give me some credit and don't sell my work. Feel free to modify the footer text, though I would really appreciate it if you could keep at least one of the links intact.

More Screenshots

Post Post w/Image Post w/Long Text