
This is a boilerplate Sinatra App to scrape websites and save to a PostGres database

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Make Scraping the web fun again

rbenv is a ruby version manager. Gotta manage your gems and your rubies. brew install rbenv

rbenv init

rbenv install -l (see which versions are available)

rbenv install 2.4.1 (You don't have to use this version. Its just what I'm using)

Go to your projects folder git clone git@github.com:rholdy/scrapenatra.git (copy the files for the sample project)

cd scrapenatra

rbenv local 2.4.1 (tell your system which ruby version to use for this project)

gem install bundler (bundler is ruby's package manager. ruby libraries are called 'gems'. cute, huh?)

bundle install (this tells bundler to install your dependencies. these are listed in the GEMFILE.)

(You'll need to install postgres if you don't already have it)

Pop open config/database.yml and change the username to a postgres user on your system that has permissions to create and modify databases.

rake db:create (creates a DB with called 'scrapenatra-development' that you can use to save stuff in)

'rake db:migrate' (runs all the migrations in the db/migrate folder to set up your db)

bundle exec shotgun (this is what starts your webserver. head on over to localhost:9393 to see what you've got running