
pulsar operator creates/configures/manages pulsar clusters atop Kubernetes

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Pulsar Operator


Pulsar Operator is to manage Pulsar service instances deployed on the Kubernetes cluster. It is built using the Operator SDK, which is part of the Operator Framework.

Quick Start

Deploy Pulsar Operator

  1. Clone the project on your Kubernetes cluster master node:
$ git clone https://github.com/sky-big/pulsar-operator.git
$ cd pulsar-operator
  1. To deploy the Pulsar Operator on your Kubernetes cluster, please run the following script:
$ make install
  1. Use command kubectl get pods to check Pulsar Operator deploy status like:
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pulsar-operator-564b5d75d-jllzk           1/1     Running   0          108s

Now you can use the CRDs provide by Pulsar Operator to deploy your Pulsar Cluster.

Define Your Pulsar Cluster

  1. Check the file pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yamlin the deploy/crd directory, for example:
apiVersion: pulsar.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: PulsarCluster
  name: example-pulsarcluster
    size: 3
    size: 3
    size: 3

which defines pulsar cluster zookeeper, bookkeeper, broker, proxy components configuration

  1. If you need pulsar prometheus, grafana need configuration, for example:
apiVersion: pulsar.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: PulsarCluster
  name: example-pulsarcluster
    size: 3
    size: 3
    size: 3
    enable: true                // true/false: active monitor
    prometheusPort: 30002       // prometheus expose port on kubernetes
    grafanaPort: 30003          // grafana expose port on kubernetes
    ingress:                    // ingress configuration
      enable: true
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
  1. If you need pulsar manager expose by ingress, for example:
apiVersion: pulsar.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: PulsarCluster
  name: example-pulsarcluster
    size: 3
    size: 3
    size: 3
    enable: true                            // true/false: active manager
    host: manager.pulsar.com
      kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"

Create Your Pulsar Cluster

  1. Deploy the pulsar cluster by running:
$ kubectl create -f deploy/crds/pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yaml
  1. Use command kubectl get podsto check example Pulsar Cluster status like:
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
example-pulsarcluster-bookie-autorecovery-deployment-6775f2sbxj   1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-bookie-autorecovery-deployment-6775fdqhmb   1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-bookie-autorecovery-deployment-6775ftnftd   1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-0                        1/1     Running     0          68s
example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-1                        1/1     Running     0          55s
example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-2                        1/1     Running     0          42s
example-pulsarcluster-broker-deployment-5bb58577b4-4tr4l          1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-broker-deployment-5bb58577b4-6vzhm          1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-broker-deployment-5bb58577b4-mzphh          1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-init-cluster-metadata-job-98rsd             0/1     Completed   0          80s
example-pulsarcluster-proxy-deployment-6555968487-7df5l           1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-proxy-deployment-6555968487-cfxl7           1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-proxy-deployment-6555968487-cxhc6           1/1     Running     0          67s
example-pulsarcluster-zookeeper-statefulset-0                     1/1     Running     0          2m2s
example-pulsarcluster-zookeeper-statefulset-1                     1/1     Running     0          109s
example-pulsarcluster-zookeeper-statefulset-2                     1/1     Running     0          95s

Storage of Pulsar Cluster

  1. Use EmptyDir Volume For Test(Default)

  2. Use PVC For Storage

apiVersion: pulsar.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: PulsarCluster
  name: example-pulsarcluster
    size: 3
    size: 3
    storageClassName: "fast"                // storage class name
    journalStorageCapacity: 10              // bookie journal volume capacity(Gi)
    ledgersStorageCapacity: 10              // bookie ledgers volume capacity(Gi)
    size: 3
    size: 3
$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                                                                 STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
journal-disk-volume-pvc-example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-0   Bound    pvc-8c7247e0-9a1f-4eba-9a1f-8ad10847d54d   10Gi       RWO            fast           2m
journal-disk-volume-pvc-example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-1   Bound    pvc-27e5b83b-6ea2-47e2-a64e-783772506959   10Gi       RWO            fast           84s
journal-disk-volume-pvc-example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-2   Bound    pvc-88ccca2e-0f6b-4ae9-b5c6-1b7bb57bdc69   10Gi       RWO            fast           62s
ledgers-disk-volume-pvc-example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-0   Bound    pvc-3afc1103-7992-41e1-9aa5-762681ac5e5d   10Gi       RWO            fast           2m
ledgers-disk-volume-pvc-example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-1   Bound    pvc-dd848627-6838-4cda-be77-83fe5b0b7c53   10Gi       RWO            fast           84s
ledgers-disk-volume-pvc-example-pulsarcluster-bookie-statefulset-2   Bound    pvc-98aea962-1a7a-4c4c-a058-cef9bccacb6c   10Gi       RWO            fast           62s

Horizontal Scale Pulsar Cluster

Scale Pulsar Proxy

  1. If you want to enlarge your proxy component. Modify your CR file pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yaml, increase the field size to the number you want, for example, from size: 3 to size: 5
apiVersion: pulsar.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: PulsarCluster
  name: example-pulsarcluster
    size: 5
  1. After configuring the size fields, simply run:
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yaml

Scale Pulsar Broker

  1. If you want to enlarge your broker component. Modify your CR file pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yaml, increase the field size to the number you want, for example, from size: 3 to size: 5
apiVersion: pulsar.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: PulsarCluster
  name: example-pulsarcluster
    size: 5
  1. After configuring the size fields, simply run:
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yaml

Scale Pulsar Bookie

  1. If you want to enlarge your bookie component. Modify your CR file pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yaml, increase the field size to the number you want, for example, from size: 3 to size: 5
apiVersion: pulsar.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: PulsarCluster
  name: example-pulsarcluster
    size: 5
  1. After configuring the size fields, simply run:
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/pulsar_v1alpha1_pulsarcluster_cr.yaml

Local Test On Kubernetes

Start Local Test

  1. Install kubernetes cluster

  2. Install golang on kubernetes master node

  3. Install operator sdkInstall Operator SDK on kubernetes master node

  4. Clone project to the kubernetes master node(project must in GOPATH):

$ git clone https://github.com/sky-big/pulsar-operator.git
$ cd pulsar-operator
  1. Execute script on kubernetes master node:
$ make start-local

Stop Local Test

  1. Execute script on kubernetes master node:
$ make stop-local

Compile Pulsar Operator

$ make build

Build Pulsar Operator Image

$ make image

Generate CRD Code And Project Vendor Code

$ make generate

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