
Codes for modeling hailstone structural and electromagnetic scattering properties from stereolithographic measurements.

Primary LanguageC++


Codes for modeling hailstone structural and electromagnetic scattering properties from stereolithographic measurements.

Picture of a modeled hailstone



  • A C++14 compiler
  • CMake
  • Boost
  • VTK 6
  1. Run CMake and generate the build scripts.
  2. Build the project. Usually, this involves typing "make"
  3. Run the programs.

The Programs

Prog1 - Read STL surface meshes and generate volumetric meshes

Prog2 - Take volumetric meshes and scale them to match the measured hailstone masses / densities.

Prog3a - Convert the volumetric meshes into DDSCAT shape files

Prog3b - Convert the volumetric meshes into DDSCAT runs at desired spectral frequency and temperature.