
Tool to download footage from a local UniFi Protect system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

UniFi Protect Video Downloader

Tool to download footage from a local UniFi Protect system

Latest release: https://github.com/unifi-toolbox/unifi-protect-video-downloader/releases/latest

Documentation: https://github.com/unifi-toolbox/unifi-protect-video-downloader/wiki

Community post:

Reddit post:

Important Information

This tool is neither supported nor endorsed by, and is in no way affiliated with Ubiquiti.
It is not guaranteed that it will always run flawlessly, so use this tool at your own risk.
The software is provided without any warranty or liability, as stated in the license.

Software Credits

The development of this software was made possible using the following components:

Dateutil by Gustavo Niemeyer
Licensed Under: Apache Software License, BSD License (Dual License)

Certifi by Kenneth Reitz
Licensed Under: Mozilla Public License 2.0

Chardet by Daniel Blanchard
Licensed Under: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

IDNA by Kim Davies
Licensed Under: BSD License (BSD-like)

Requests by Kenneth Reitz
Licensed Under: Apache Software License (Apache 2.0)

urllib3 by Andrey Petrov
Licensed Under: MIT License (MIT)