
To run the API you have to have .Net 6 installed in your machine and VS 2022

A python Fast API version from this, is from here as well: FastAPI Tic Tac Toe

Use to see the swagger.yaml api file

A quick loom video


Used Techs:

  • .Net
  • Domain Driven Design Pattern / Clean architecture
  • Test Driven Design


Parsing authorize_keys file endpoints

  • Read file,
  • List keys

Added new tech stack

  • EF 6

SQL query to search keys contains specific option

SELECT * FROM [SSH].[dbo].[AuthorizedKeys] where Options like '%no-port-forwarding%'

Further improvements

Depending on the usage and requirements of the application the authorized keys can be used mainly as a hub for authentication. The db fields can be extended to meet these expectations and requirements.

On the technical side of the whole app many improvements can be done. Adding user authentication and policy based authorizations, integrate the solution with cloud technology. Enhance the security of the API (needs me to read more about it). The internal structure of the endpoints seems a bit unorganized. Error handling and more SOLID principles can be followed. Convert the DB connection to dependency injection is recommended.