30 Days JS Challenge 🚀

Hey there, fellow code enthusiasts! 👋 Welcome to my "30 Days JS Challenge" repo. Join me on this exciting journey as I level up my JavaScript skills, one day at a time! 💻✨

What's This All About? 🤔

Ever heard of "Chai Aur Code"? Well, this awesome YouTuber has thrown down the gauntlet with a 30-day JavaScript challenge, and I'm all in! This repo is my digital playground where I'll be:

  • 📚 Learning new JS concepts daily
  • 💡 Solving cool coding problems
  • 🏗️ Building mini-projects
  • 📈 Tracking my progress
  • 🎉 Having a blast while doing it!

The Game Plan 📅

Here's how we're breaking this down:

  1. Each day, I'll be tackling a new JavaScript topic or challenge.
  2. You'll find my code, notes, and thoughts in daily folders (e.g., Day1, Day2, etc.).
  3. I'll be updating this README regularly with my progress and key takeaways.

Why Am I Doing This? 🎯

  • To sharpen my JavaScript skills (obviously!)
  • Challenge myself to code consistently
  • Build a portfolio of mini-projects
  • Connect with other learners (hey, that's you! 👋)

Want to Join the Fun? 🙌

Feel free to:

  • 🔍 Peek at my code
  • 💬 Leave comments or suggestions
  • 🍴 Fork this repo and start your own challenge
  • 🌟 Star this repo if you find it helpful

Progress Tracker 📊

Day Topic Status
1 Variables and Data Types
2 Operators
3 Control Structures
4 Loops
5 Functions 🔜
6 Arrays 🔜
7 Objects 🔜
8 ES6+ Features 🔜
9 DOM Manipulation 🔜
10 Event Handling 🔜
11 Promises and Async/Await 🔜
12 Error Handling 🔜
13 Modules 🔜
14 Classes 🔜
15 Closures 🔜
16 Recursion 🔜
17 Data Structures 🔜
18 Algorithms 🔜
19 Regular Expressions 🔜
20 LocalStorage and SessionStorage 🔜
21 LeetCode Easy 🔜
22 LeetCode Medium 🔜
23 LeetCode Hard 🔜
24 Project 1 - Weather App 🔜
25 Project 2 - Movie Search App 🔜
26 Project 3 - Chat Application 🔜
27 Project 4 - Task Management App 🔜
28 Project 5 - E-commerce Website 🔜
29 Project 6 - Social Media Dashboard 🔜
30 Final - Social Media Dashboard with Full Stack 🔜

Shoutouts 📣

Massive thanks to Chai Aur Code for creating this challenge and inspiring us all to become better developers!

Let's Connect! 🤝

Are you also taking on this challenge? Or just curious about my progress? Let's chat! Drop me a message or connect with me on - LinkedIn: Ratul Hasan Rabbi

Remember, the journey of a thousand lines of code begins with a single keystroke. Let's make these 30 days count! 💪😄

Happy coding, everyone! 🎊👩‍💻👨‍💻