
New Relic's Open Source Elixir Agent

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

New Relic's Open Source Elixir Agent

Hex.pm Version Build Status License

The Open-Source Elixir Agent allows you to monitor your Elixir applications with New Relic. It helps you track transactions, distributed traces and other parts of your application's behavior and provides an overview of underlying BEAM activity.

View the Documentation

Support Statement

New Relic has open-sourced this project to enable monitoring of Elixir applications. This project is provided AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR SUPPORT, although you can report issues and contribute to the project here on GitHub.


Install the Hex package

defp deps do
    {:new_relic_agent, "~> 1.0"},
    {:cowboy, "~> 2.0"},
    {:plug, "~> 1.6"}


You need to set a few required configuration keys so we can authenticate properly.

Via Application config

config :new_relic_agent,
  app_name: "My App",
  license_key: "license_key"

Via Environment variables

You can also configure these attributes via ENV vars, which helps keep secrets out of source code.



Out of the box, we will report Error Traces & some general BEAM VM stats. For further visibility, you'll need to add some basic instrumentation.

  • NewRelic.Transaction enables rich Transaction Monitoring for a Plug pipeline. It's a macro that injects a few plugs and an error handler.
defmodule MyApp do
  use Plug.Router
  use NewRelic.Transaction
  # ...
  • NewRelic.Tracer enables detailed Function Tracing. Annotate a function and it'll show up as a span in Transaction Traces / Distributed Traces, and we'll collect aggregate stats about it.
defmodule MyModule do
  use NewRelic.Tracer

  @trace :func
  def func do
    # Will report as `MyModule.func/0`

Pre-Instrumented Modules

  • NewRelic.Instrumented.HTTPoison Automatically wraps HTTP calls in a span, and adds an outbound header to track the request as part of a Distributed Trace.
alias NewRelic.Instrumented.HTTPoison