
An application for healthcare providers to pass information about shared patients.

Primary LanguageRuby

PatientsHub back-end json API

  • ruby -v 2.6.1p33

  • rails -v Rails

  • psql (PostgreSQL) 10.10 (Ubuntu 10.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1)

  • bcrypt

  • Configuration:

    • must allow Front-End resource CRUD permissions in config/initializers/cors


Problem: Communication with a healthcare team about a patient.

If you work in Healthcare you work on a team. Whether you are the top level MD or lower level hospital workers you all have the same patients. There are times information falls in a category grey area. This information does not really belong in the medication records chart or vital signs chart. This type of information can get lost unless you have the team in the room with you. PatientHub is an electronic platform for providers to share information about a patient.


Randall Taylor