
Repo for setting up Apigee hybrid with helm charts using ArgoCD

Primary LanguageShell

How to Install Apigee hybrid helm charts using ArgoCD App of Apps Pattern.


This Repo describes steps to install Apigee hybrid with helm charts using ArgoCD in a gitOps style fashion. on a GKE cluster. It also contains cert-manager, nginx, and vault setup on the cluster


This is not an Officially Supported Google Product!

Please note at this time the helm charts feature of Apigee Hybrid is in preview as of today November 13th 2023. I will provide an update once this has gone GA.

Image of screenshot

Create the Apigee Org, Environment and Environment Group in Apigee

Follow the steps in Part 1 to create the organization, enivronment and environment groups in the Apigee console as per your requirement

Setup Kubernetes Cluster for Apigee Hybrid

First follow the steps in part 1 to enable required APIs, create your Apigee organization, environment and environment group at this page.

Create your GKE cluster by following the commands from this page as below.

gcloud container clusters create argocd-1103

Also ensure you add 2 nodegroups as required for apigee-hybrid cluster as per documentation at this page.

Once your cluster is created, use the below command to gain access to your cluster

gcloud container clusters get-credentials argocd-1103 --region us-east4 --project ayos-os-test

Enable synchroniser access ( pre-requisite for installing Apigee hybrid) where ORG_NAME is your Apigee ORG Name which is also the name of your GCP project.

export TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) 

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN " -H "Content-Type:application/json" "https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/$ORG_NAME:getSyncAuthorization" -d ''

Setup for Apigee Hybrid Helm charts

Pull the apigee-hybrid helm charts to a local folder as below

export CHART_REPO=oci://us-docker.pkg.dev/apigee-release/apigee-hybrid-helm-charts
export CHART_VERSION=1.10.3
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-operator --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-datastore --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-env --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-ingress-manager --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-org --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-redis --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-telemetry --version $CHART_VERSION --untar
helm pull $CHART_REPO/apigee-virtualhost --version $CHART_VERSION --untar

Install the Apigee CRDs as follows from within the folder where the charts above are located

Use the dry-run feature by running the following command

kubectl apply -k  apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/ --server-side --force-conflicts --validate=false --dry-run=server

After validating with dry-run command, create the crd’s by applying as below

kubectl apply -k  apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/ --server-side --force-conflicts --validate=false

Create the apigee namespace

kubectl create namespace apigee

Create the kubernetes secret for the serviceaccounts for the various Apigee hybrid components

kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME  --from-file="client_secret.json=SA_FILE_NAME.json"  -n apigee

Replace the following: SECRET_NAME with the name of the Kubernetes secret you want to create. SA_FILE_NAME.json with the name of the downloaded JSON file from the Apigee service account you create in GCP IAM (see this link for details about the service account requirements).

Also create the kubernetes secret for the Apigee hybrid ingress with TLS certificates

kubectl create secret generic SECRET-NAME  --from-file="cert=PATH_TO_CRT_FILE"  --from-file="key=PATH_TO_KEY_FILE"  -n apigee

(see this link for details on setting up TLS certificates).

ArgoCD App of Apps Pattern and ArgoCD Applications

Pull this repo which already has the charts as well as the templates and manifests files required

With this repo, we create ArgoCD applications for all the apigee hybrid components and a few others.

We achieve this by making use of the app of apps pattern. The App of Apps Pattern lets us define a root ArgoCD Application ( in this case named apigeehybrid) which we define in the apps.yaml file at the root of the repo. Rather than point to an application manifest, the Root App points to a folder ( in this case /apps) which contains the templates folder containing the Application YAML definition for each microservice that’s part of the app bundle (Child Apps). Each microservice’s Application YAML then points to a directory containing the application manifests ( in this case /apps/apigee-charts/”respective chart folder”).

The various components that get installed as helm charts from the repo and as ArgoCD applications include

  • apigeehybrid
  • cert-manager
  • apigee-operator
  • apigee-datastore
  • apigee-telemetry
  • apigee-redis
  • apigee-ingress-manager
  • apigee-org
  • apigee-environment
  • apigee-virtualhost
  • secret store csi driver
  • vault

ArgoCD Folder Structure

Below shows the file structure of the repo, lets discuss on the components that get installed with this repo and how you can modify them to make adjustments.

Image of screenshot

We will now take each component and discuss them one after the other

For each component we have a helm chart folder within the apigee-charts folder. This folder contains a custom values file which is used to apply configuration changes custom or specific to our apigee hybrid setup

For example, for apigee-datastore component we have a folder call apigee-datastore located at /apps/apigee-datastore, which contains the helm charts for apigee datastore as well as a base values file and also a customised values file called apigee-ds.yaml which contains values that are specific to configure the apigee datastore pds and resources as we require and will override the basic installation. We also have a file called datastore.yaml located in the /apps/templates folder which serves as a template for the Argocd application for the apigee-datastore which will be managed by the apigeehybrid application which serves as the umbrella ArgoCD application.

To modify or customise the setup of the ArgoCD applications for each component make changes to the following files within the /apps/templates folder

  • Modify the apigee-env1.yaml file with the name of the custom values file and a parameter for the name of the environment
  • Modify the apigee-vhost.yaml file with the name of the custom values file and a parameter for the name of the environment group Repeat the modification process for all the components to state the name of the custom values file.

To customise the hybrid components with custom split overrides modify the custom values files for each component within the apps/ folder as follows

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-datastore/values-ds.yaml file with the number of replicas, nodeselection, with the number of replicas required, memory, cpu, if backup is to be enabled

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-virtualhost

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-telemetry

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-redis

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-env

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-operator

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-ingress-manager

  • Modify the apps/apigee-charts/apigee-org

  • cert-manager has been customised as required. Please note for Anthos clusters you can remove the cert-manager configs as Anthos has its own cert-manager setup

  • Basic setup for Vault and secret-store csi driver has been done as well.

Setup ArgoCD

We now have all the components to install apigee hybrid with helm charts ready. Create the ArgoCD namespace

  kubectl create ns argocd

Install ArgoCD into your cluster

 kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/install.yaml

Patch Argocd service from ClusterIP to loadbalancer

kubectl -n argocd patch svc argocd-server --type='json' -p '[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/type","value":"LoadBalancer"}]'

Download the ArgoCD biinary by followng steps at this [page[(https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/releases/tag/v2.9.2) based on your operating system. Once ArgoCD is installed proceed to the next step.

Retrieve the initial password for Argo cd with -

 argocd admin initial-password -n argocd

Retrieve the external IP of the ArgoCD service and use that to log into the ArgoCD UI with the initial password received above, change this password to one of your choice.

Re-login with your new password.

Click on settings tile and connect to git repo. Create repositories required for ArgoCD to pull the helm charts of the components as shown below,

Image of screenshot

For connecting the gitHub repo to ArgoCD, you may need to generate ssh keys and share between github and ArgoCD. Once the repo is created successfully, you will see a green tick as shown below.

Image of screenshot

Repeat the process to create repositories for cert-manager, secrets store driver and Hashicorp vault

Deploying Applications to ArgoCD

After the repo’s are created we can now trigger build of the applications. During the sync of the applications between the github repo and Argocd the templates are first rendered into manifests and then created as ArgoCD applications which will then be used to trigger creation of the actual kubernetes resources in the gke cluster we created earlier.

We create the first ArgoCD application - apigeehybrid by running the below command from cli within the cluster

kubectl apply -f apps.yaml -n argocd

This will create the apigeehybrid argocd application as follows

Image of screenshot Once this is created and verified in the UI you should also see the apigeehybrid ArgoCD Application in the ArgoCD UI as well as below.

Image of screenshot

Once this is created and in synced status, we are ready to create the numerous Apigee hybrid components.

If you have auto-sync enabled, whenever you commit a change to your github repo, this will trigger a sync and Argocd will look to compare the state of the resources in the kubernetes cluster with that of the templates in the github repository in a gitops style fashion.

The Apigee hybrid subcomponents will automatically get picked from the github repo and create the argocd application for each of the components and the underlying kubernetes resources for each of the applications from their charts.

This process will take some time as it goes in to create the resources. To ensure the resources are created in the right order, we can define sync waves, which will ensure the components are spun up in the order we desire. We do this by adding in an annotation in the template for each of the components as shown below.

Image of screenshot

Below shows the hierarchy of applications deployed by the apigeehybrid argocd application

Image of screenshot

Below shows a view of all the apigee hybrid components as ArgoCD applications when fully deployed.

Image of screenshot

Other Approaches with ArgoCD

When deploying Apigee Helm charts with ArgoCD, there are several different approaches we can take. We can create ArgoCD Applications to point to the Helm repo and a separate repo for overrides.yaml files. Here is a sample ArgoCD application that deploys Apigee Operator from the Helm chart repo and pulls the values file from a Git repo’s dev branch:

API Version:  argoproj.io/v1alpha1
Kind:         Application
Name:         apigee-operator
Namespace:    default
    Namespace:  apigee-system
    Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
  Project:      apigee
    Chart:  apigee-operator
      Value Files:
    Repo URL:         us-docker.pkg.dev/apigee-release/apigee-hybrid-helm-charts
    Target Revision:  1.0.0
    Ref:              values
    Repo URL:         git@github.com:/testrepo/apigee-argo.git
    Target Revision:  dev

We can also create an ApplicationSet to orchestrate the multiple helm charts deployment, leverage waves to group the Apigee helm charts into different order in deployments. However, this is more complicated and requires careful planning and execution.

Another approach to manage the Helm charts deployment is to use Helmfile (githb.com/helmfile/helmfile), which is a declarative spec for deploying Helm charts. It can be used to generate all-in-one manifests from the Helm charts and input values, for use with ArgoCD or other Kubernetes continuous deployment tools.

The benefits of Helmfile approach is to separate the configuration from the charts and environments.

A sample Helmfile looks like this:

# helmfile example
# change the chart `version` as needed. Currently, below example uses 1.10.3
- name: apigee-hybrid-helm-charts
  url: us-docker.pkg.dev/apigee-release/apigee-hybrid-helm-charts
  oci: true

- name: operator
  namespace: apigee-system
  chart: apigee-hybrid-helm-charts/apigee-operator
  version: 1.10.3
  - overrides.yaml

- name: datastore
  namespace: apigee
  chart: apigee-hybrid-helm-charts/apigee-datastore
  version: 1.10.3
  - apigee-system/operator
  - overrides.yaml

... ...

- name: apigee-hybrid-proj # replace with the org name
  namespace: apigee
  chart: apigee-hybrid-helm-charts/apigee-org
  version: 1.10.3
  - datastore
  - telemetry
  - redis
  - ingress-manager
  # replace below overrides to point to your override file.
  - overrides.yaml

provides local overrides.yaml When integrate with ArgoCD, we can use helmfile template When integrated with ArgoCD, we could use helmfile template command to generate all the manifest files, then check into a Git repo. ArgoCD is set up to monitor the changes in that Git repo and takes actions. From the Git repo we can review the exact changes in Kubernetes manifest files, and decide whether approve or reject the changes, before ArgoCD syncs and applies the changes. ArgoCD in this case is only reponsible to sync the target cluster to the desired state defined in the Git repo.


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