
REST web service for currency conversion

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


REST web service for currency conversion

Write a REST web service for currency conversion.

*Exchange rates might be taken from free API sources (e.g.

https://openexchangerates.org/ ) and should

be updated once a day using a Celery scheduled task.*

Application architecture design is up to you, verboseness about it is good.

Currencies: Czech koruna, Euro, Polish złoty and US dollar.

Code test coverage is important.

The application architecture and deployment should be production ready or at least discuss the changes needed in detail in order to be.

The project should be uploaded to GitHub/Bitbucket.

The service’s running performance is important. Provide a build system with pre-commit and at least the following hooks for pre-commit: black, isort, mypy, Dockerfile Line and YAMLLint.

You should specify the metrics to monitor and define some rules based on those metrics to generate alerts. If the metrics would require some information from the API, define how to obtain and, if needed, implement the handlers to obtain that information.