Hexagonal Architecture Seed

Trazable Standards Semantic Versioning Node NPM Docker


  • This repository is the seed for create new projects, it was created following the best practices and following the principles of the hexagonal architecture but with the trazable dev team's flavor.

Trazable Hexagonal Architecture

  • The hexagonal architecture is one of the multiples backend architectures aimed to isolate the core (entities, business logic) of our application for the exterior.
  • This architecture avoid the knowledge of our core with the "exterior" allowing change the external components without impact of our business logic.
  • The principle keys of this architecture is the naming of the different components that compound the architecture.
    • Adapters:
      • Primary (Input): Components out of the hexagon/core that calls the bussines logic (services/useCases/managers).
        • Example: Rest API call with their controllers the business logic.
      • Secondary (Output): Components out of the hexagon/core that implements the ports (interfaces) or repositories (data interfaces).
        • Example: Database implements the methods defined by the interface.
    • Ports: Interfaces implemented by the secondary adapters.
      • Example: TechnologyDownloadFile implements DownloadFile (The business logic need downloadFile but don't need how)
    • Repositories: Data interfaces implemented by the secondary adapters with data access.
      • Example: DatabaseEntityRepository implements EntityRepository (The business logic need data from the entity but he don't need know how and where is stored)
    • Core: All of the components not explained before they are part of the core/inside of the hexagon (entities,exceptions,use-cases).

Steps to create a project using the seed

  • Download this repository.
  • Remove the existing .git file and create a new one for your project with the following commands:
    rm -rf .git
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • Find and change globally project_name to the correct project name
  • Change in package.json the project information (name, description, repository...)

Running the application

  • Install dependencies: npm i
  • Run the environment with docker-compose: docker-compose up.
    • Services:
      • project_name: Example application using the trazable hexagonal architecture.
        • localhost:8080
      • project_name_mongo: Mongo DB Database
        • localhost:27017
      • project_name_mongo_express: Dashboard for Mongo DB
        • localhost:8081

How it works

  • This application works with the theory before explained but now we go to explain how works this example with the trazable implementation.
  • The isolation of our core is achieved with the structure obtained with the hexagonal architecture and the dependency injection orchestred in the index.ts of our example application.
    • Explaining the index.ts (Dependency orchestrator).
      • With the perspective of the hexagonal architecture (LEFT<=>RIGHT) the dependencies are initialized from the RIGHT to the LEFT and needed/injected from the LEFT to the RIGHT
          • We need initialize the database configuration because our repositories needs a database to do the database operations. (Remember that our repository don't know where is stored only know the methods that the business logic need).
          • We need initialize our use-cases/services/interactors with the repositories or any dependency needed in the business logic (Databases, Technologies...)
          • We need initalize the primary adapter with the necessary components to communicate with our core.


  • Test driven development (Require Trazable dev culture)

    • Define the test before create the business logic, the test must fail because the logic doesn't exist.
  • Domain Zone (Business Logic)

    • The business logic must contain a single responsability of a specific operation representing the logic defined by business (use-case).
      • The use-case must have in their initialization all of the dependencies needed for acomplish their objective (repositories, ports...)
        • Example: Add use case (src/use-cases/add/index.ts)
          • This use case have two dependencies, the repository to acces to the necessary data of the entity Example and their loggerContainer.
          • The method execute (command pattern) realize the behaviour of the name that have the use-case, in this case Add a Example.
          • Bussines say that is not possible add a Example with the same name, for manage this, we go to the repository to ask if any Example exist with the name received (the input and output of these methods are defined in the interface, MUST return a businnes entity not a container data), if the name exist, we throw a business exception called NameAlreadyExists (manage the exception and return a custom message its a responsability from the primary adapter).
  • Details/Dependencies

    • When you start creating the use-case, you need create the dependencies necessaries to call your logic and the dependencies of the logic.
      • Example: Add use case (src/use-cases/add-index.ts)
        • Primary Adapter:
          • This use-case have from primary adapter a REST API, let go to create the necessary API routes for call the endpoint where our logic are waiting to start their objective. (src/adapters/primary/rest/express/index.ts => setupRoutes()).
          • This route needs a controller to execute the use-case. (src/adapters/primary/rest/express/controllers/example.controller.ts)
          • In this implementation of the hexagonal architecture the primary adapters call directly to the business logic instead creating a previous interface.
        • Secondary port:
          • The secondary port in this example is the repository, the repository its a interface that "say" to the secondary adapters the methods that the business logic need. (src/repositories/user.repository.ts)
        • Secondary Adapter:
          • The secondary adapter is the technology (In this example a Mongo DB database) that implements the interfaces defined, must return the data typed in the interface (in this example a Example business entity).
      • At this point you should think which order is the most easier to implement the components necessaries for your use-case (From the primary adapter => INPUT or from the secondary adapter => OUTPUT)
  • Dependency injection.

    • When you have your use-case, your primary adapter and all of the dependencies that the use-case need to work, the final step is the dependency injection (The theory of this it was explained at the point How it Works)
    • Inject the dependencies to your new use-case, you must inject in your use case the repository initalizated with their database, also if you have in your use-case another dependency you must inject in the initialization of the use-case, with your use-case with all of the dependencies instantiated, inject your use-case to the primary-adapter.
    • Life cycle of your implementation

CI Environment-variables






  • AUTH_URL: Trazable Microservice Auth URL
  • PORT?: Port on serve htt primary adapter // default 8080
  • GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID: Google Cloud project id
  • SECRETS_BUCKET: Google Bucket name with the secrets
  • KMS_KEYRING: Google cloud keyring
  • KMS_KEY_CREDENTIALS: Key for the environment variables (environment-variables)
  • KMS_LOCATION: Keyring location
  • KMS_KEY_WALLETS: Wallets key (wallets)
  • MONGO_VARIABLES_FILENAME: Name of the mongo environment variables file encrypted (mongo-variables.json.encrypted)
  • DB_URI?: Optional env variable if no secret is provided
  • DB_USER?: Optional env variable if no secret is provided
  • DB_PASSWORD?: Optional env variable if no secret is provided