
Easy to use Objective-C library for the payment gateway ePay.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Easy to use Objective-C library for the payment gateway ePay.


  1. Add EPay.h/EPay.m to your project.
  2. Include them whereever your plan on processing payments.
  3. Implement its delegate protocol.
  4. Instantiate EPay and set its delegate.
  5. Process payments!

Code Snippets

Example payment

// We create an ePay object.
EPay *ePay = [EPay ePayWithMerchantNumber:@"Your Merchant Number" md5Secret:@"Your MD5 Secret(Pass nil if you wish not to use MD5 hashing)" currency:CURRENY_DKK];

// We set ourselves as the delegate and perform a payment.
ePay.delegate = self;
[ePay makePaymentWithOrderID:@"1" amount:@"10000" cardNumber:@"4444444444444000" expiryMonth:@"01" expiryYear:@"15" CVC:@"666" subscription:nil];

Example delegate implementation

- (void)begunProcessingPayment:(NSDictionary*)paymentParameters
    NSLog(@"[EPAY PROCESS] Begun processing payment.");
    for (NSString *key in paymentParameters.keyEnumerator) {
        NSLog(@"[EPAY PROCESS] %@: %@", key, [paymentParameters objectForKey:key]);

- (void)didProcessPayment:(NSDictionary*)successParameters
    NSLog(@"[EPAY SUCCESS] Processed payment successfully.");
    for (NSString *key in successParameters.keyEnumerator) {
        NSLog(@"[EPAY SUCCESS] %@: %@", key, [successParameters objectForKey:key]);
- (void)paymentFailed:(NSError*)error
    NSLog(@"[EPAY ERROR] %@", error);


If you have questions or anything on your mind, you can reach me at


ePay is released under the MIT license.