
⚠ NOTICE ⚠ This repository has been abandoned -- The maintainer has reached the conclusion that the original database abstraction was not appropriate for their larger project, and even with the redesigned database abstraction, the benefits of getting it adapted to JSON would not be worth the effort.

This library is intended for use in systems where data is stored for exlusive use by a member of a larger cluster (such as in the Raft Consensus Algorithm). It is used to separate the application from the implementation of how it stores its data on a relational database.

This is a specific implementation which stores data as a composite JSON object.


The ClusterMemberStore::JsonDatabase class an implementation of the ClusterMemberStore::Database pure abstract interface class. It adapts the interface to fit a JSON file. The Open method reads and parses the JSON file, making the data within available via the Database interface. The Commit method is used to ensure all changes are written back out as JSON to the file.

Supported platforms / recommended toolchains

This is a portable C++11 library which depends only on the C++11 compiler and standard library, so it should be supported on almost any platform. The following are recommended toolchains for popular platforms.

  • Windows -- Visual Studio (Microsoft Visual C++)
  • Linux -- clang or gcc
  • MacOS -- Xcode (clang)


This library is not intended to stand alone. It is intended to be included in a larger solution which uses CMake to generate the build system and build applications which will link with the library.

There are two distinct steps in the build process:

  1. Generation of the build system, using CMake
  2. Compiling, linking, etc., using CMake-compatible toolchain


  • CMake version 3.8 or newer
  • C++11 toolchain compatible with CMake for your development platform (e.g. Visual Studio on Windows)
  • ClusterMemberStore - the library which defines the abstract interface implemented by this project
  • Json - a library which implements RFC 7159, "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format".
  • SystemAbstractions - a cross-platform adapter library for system services whose APIs vary from one operating system to another

Build system generation

Generate the build system using CMake from the solution root. For example:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A "x64" ..

Compiling, linking, et cetera

Either use CMake or your toolchain's IDE to build. For CMake:

cd build
cmake --build . --config Release