- 4
In windows some command about git cannot work
#66 opened by Freed-Wu - 0
- 7
Window navigation using mappings
#35 opened by tinyheero - 1
Another window with (configurable) git log
#65 opened by renkam - 3
Work with vim-fugitive
#28 opened by jrock2004 - 1
How to trigger the committia
#62 opened by LintaoAmons - 0
Error when amending commit
#61 opened by patrikpajas - 6
work with neogit
#59 opened by zhengpd - 5
proper handling of "git commit --amend"
#36 opened by st31ny - 3
Does not work with filetype.nvim
#56 opened by tsakirist - 0
Pictures on the readme are not legible
#58 opened by ahmetb - 4
Does not work with amend
#55 opened by sbeyer - 0
- 0
Add the ability to customize left window width
#50 opened by jaydorsey - 2
- 10
git commit -a not working properly for diff view
#48 opened by PlasmaHH - 1
Configure diff tool?
#47 opened by taylorthurlow - 1
How to complete from the diff window?
#44 opened by kiooss - 10
- 3
invalid range error
#43 opened by alok - 2
Initial merge message is dropped
#41 opened by xaizek - 5
All files are shown as deleted
#39 opened by xaizek - 2
Git commit templete is removed
#40 opened by thinca - 5
Both images in the readme are broken
#34 opened by zacps - 0
Closing diff
#33 opened by jrock2004 - 25
Error after updating commitia
#32 opened by ffesseler - 2
Shown strange status with git worktree
#27 opened by thinca - 2
- 2
Errors / Crash
#23 opened by Blue-Dog-Archolite - 28
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
#11 opened by sunaku - 17
Do not fall back even if amending
#6 opened by rhysd - 0
- 7
Doesn't seem to work on neovim
#22 opened by simonweil - 3
support MERGE_MSG
#21 opened by davidosomething - 13
- 0
`:set autochdir` breaks status window
#20 opened by rhysd - 2
- 1
Can't be lazy loaded with neobundle
#16 opened by jeaye - 5
Characters are inserted in the edit window when using startinsert in the edit_open hook
#13 opened by inside - 1
More control over single/multicolumn mode
#10 opened by jeetsukumaran - 4
- 6
open_singlecolumn error
#7 opened by huyz - 25
The content of '__committia_diff__' buffer is going to be '0' using commitia.vim with singleton.vim.
#4 opened by tyru - 2