
a clone of endwise.vim I extended

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is a clone of endwise.vim. ( http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script\_id=2386 ) This plugin supports if end-like syntax input.

append information of the head of structure

Sometimes, the structure is too big to know where the structure starts. The big structure often seen in C or C++ include-guard.


// many class definitions...

#endif // <- This endif is too far to know where the structure starts!

So, this plugin supports to know that.

#ifndef _HOGE_HPP_INCLUDED_ {cursor}

If the cursor is placed at {cursor} and you type <CR>,

#endif // #ifndef _HOGE_HPP_INCLUDED_

#endif and // #ifndef _HOGE_HPP_INCLUDED_ is appended at the same time. If you want to use this feature, you should setting g:endwize_add_info_filetypes. g:endwize_add_info_filetypes is List of String and you specify filetypes where you want to append the information.


" append information when filetype is ruby, c or cpp.
let g:endwize_add_info_filetypes = ['ruby', 'c', 'cpp']


This plugin doesn't map any keys unlike an original one. If you can use imap, mapping would be like below.

imap <silent><CR> <CR><Plug>DiscretionaryEnd

If imap is unavailable because of other features for <CR>, mapping would be like below.

inoremap <silent><CR> <CR><C-r>=endwize#crend()<CR>

For example, when you want to use both smart_close_popup() of neocomplcache-snippets-complete and endwize.vim at typing <CR>, mapping would be like below.

inoremap <silent><expr><CR> (pumvisible() ? neocomplcache#smart_close_popup() : "")."\<CR>\<C-r>=endwize#crend()\<CR>"