
Open a path or URL with the system-defined program

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Crates.io cross-platform-testing

Use this library to open a path or URL using the program configured on the system. It is equivalent to running one of the following:

$ open <path-or-url>
# Windows
$ start <path-or-url>
# Linux
$ xdg-open <path-or-url> || gio open <path-or-url> || gnome-open <path-or-url> || kde-open <path-or-url> || wslview <path-or-url>


Add this to your Cargo.toml

open = "1"

…and open something using…


…or, open something with an application of your choice

open::with("https://rust-lang.org", "firefox");

Follow this link for the massive API docs.


The implementation is based on the respective functionality of cargo, but was improved to allow some error handling.