
Cannot find clang-format when using with vimproc on Windows

bennyyip opened this issue · 5 comments

When I use vim-clang-format with vimproc.vim on Windows, the following message shows up.

[vimproc] vimproc#get_command_name: File "^clang-format^" is not found.
[vimproc] vimproc#get_command_name: File "^clang-format^" is not found.
Error detected while processing function clang_format#replace[16]..<SNR>143_error_message:
line    1:
clang-format has failed to format.
E474: Invalid argument

This function escapes clang-format as ^"clang-format^", and vimproc cannot correctly handle shell escape for Windows.
But do we really need to escape clang-format as ^"clang-format^"? I tried just "clang-format", and it seems no problem.
Should we replace it with this?

function! s:shellescape(str) abort
    if s:on_windows && (&shell =~? 'cmd\.exe')
        return '"' . substitute(substitute(substitute(a:str,
                    \ '[&|<>()^"%]', '^\0', 'g'),
                    \ '\\\+\ze"', '\=repeat(submatch(0), 2)', 'g'),
                    \ '\^"', '\\\0', 'g') . '"'
    return shellescape(a:str)

I can repoduce this issue.

rhysd commented

Thank you for your investigation. I apologize missing this issue...

I think I need to remove hack on Windows in the s:shellescape() function. I'll check why I added the hack.

rhysd commented

@bennyyip @tracyone Could you try the latest? I currently don't have the environment to run clang-format on Windows so I need your help.


rhysd commented

Thank you for confirming. I'll close this issue.