Vim plugin for clang-format, a formatter for C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript, and so on.
Vim Script
- 3
how to set a global .clang-format
#95 opened by Unknown-Chinese-User - 0
Doesn't work on AstroNeoVim
#126 opened by benmaia - 0
Useful information
#125 opened by 8dcc - 3
last edit mark is tampered after ClangFormat
#106 opened by shreejun - 9
Bug: undo after ClangFormat does undo twice, erasing previous changes
#98 opened by aravind2612krishna - 0
- 0
- 1
- 3
Error when running ClangFormat in neovim
#111 opened by obaranek - 3
Support vala langauge?
#97 opened by LinArcX - 6
Error on :ClangFormat in Vim
#79 opened by pvonmoradi - 1
There's a problem with formatting
#116 opened by jphz - 5
How to set the indent after #define
#105 opened by irreallich - 1
:ClangFormat kills vi
#114 opened by mcandre - 0
Recommend installation command
#115 opened by mcandre - 0
- 0
Working with CUDA
#112 opened by pauleonix - 0
- 1
Overriding an option from .clang-format
#109 opened by uday-cb - 2
Can vim-clang-format correctly indent as I write code?
#103 opened by ssh352 - 3
Apply format to single line in normal mode?
#83 opened by dcaballe - 8
How to write style_option???
#102 opened by Augists - 1
How to install the plugin using vam?
#94 opened by smadurange - 1
Auto format specific extensions
#91 opened by solanik - 16
Failed to format cpp
#96 opened by 372046933 - 2
Support for WebKit
#90 opened by iduhetonas - 2
Detect if file is formattable
#99 opened by GiuseppeCesarano - 3
- 1
Some newlines are not indented for Objective-C
#93 opened by laniolove - 1
Clang-format doesn't show tab in if, else, while, for,... block after format
#92 opened by mygenacc99 - 0
Doing the formating asychronously?
#89 opened by sefeng211 - 3
.clang-format file in root of repo
#87 opened by ldelossa - 1
Unable to change the indentation width?
#88 opened by izackwu - 2
Unable to set value for IncludeCategories
#84 opened by opeik - 1
- 2
- 9
Unexpected behavior in split panes
#62 opened by xywei - 1
g:clang_format#auto_format_on_insert_leave to only apply on the written lines?
#75 opened by korken89 - 1
Sorted includes
#73 opened by angelskieglazki - 2
- 2
Error in ubuntu
#71 opened by wenxingxing - 0
- 3
indent is not correct
#59 opened by tracyone - 5
- 3
clang-format fails to format
#67 opened by vysnet - 9
Cursor jumps to top of file during formatting
#65 opened by ronakg - 3
:ClangFormat always folds code when run
#66 opened by cglosser - 6
Error when formatting empty file
#58 opened by bgrabow - 2
#60 opened by bb33bb - 2