Vim plugin for clang-format, a formatter for C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript, and so on.
Vim Script
- 2
How to configure nested flags?
#45 opened by pmalek - 17
Error on Windows
#14 opened by kbenzie - 0
Inconsistent behavior from binary clang-format tool when formating multiline function arguments (exceeding column limit)
#33 opened by Congee - 7
.clang_format style file not used
#52 opened by CodingJonas - 3
project local clang-format
#25 opened by krux02 - 2
Cursor position not preserved in multiple windows
#49 opened by tbastos - 22
Cursor position not maintained after undo
#8 opened by bear24rw - 1
Removing first line if folded
#53 opened by Irubataru - 1
Folding issues
#54 opened by Irubataru - 1
- 3
- 2
how to install it?
#41 opened by zhangtemplar - 13
- 0
problem with g:clang_format#auto_formatexpr
#46 opened by CallumHoward - 7
- 5
- 4
- 5
Support Javascript
#23 opened by klemmster - 3
format of source code removes all marks
#24 opened by krux02 - 7
clang-format not detecting my settings
#28 opened by teamblubee - 1
Windows: failed to format
#26 opened by glacjay - 3
clang-format is not found
#22 opened by kamilpajak - 2
Load the clang configuration from a file
#20 opened by tgy - 0
Buffer local auto format
#19 opened by erikw - 3
using g:clang_format#auto_formatexpr=1 and use gq to format cause wrong result in this case
#16 opened by bbchung - 3
- 2
Last commits screwed up input
#12 opened by dirvine - 3
How to install it?
#13 opened by qqibrow - 1
Using clang-format as input to "formatexpr"
#11 opened by tobiasgrosser - 6
Formatting is slow
#10 opened by daedric - 2
Wishlist: auto_format modified lines only?
#9 opened by dnwe - 3
clang-format 3.4 doesn't seem to work
#7 opened by darthdeus - 2
Catch error when not using vim-operator-user
#4 opened by jonthn - 5
Indexing error on version checking function
#5 opened by oblitum - 5
.clang-format file is not detected
#6 opened by APokorny - 8
#2 opened by YoshihiroIto - 3
`2>&1` doesn't work on csh
#3 opened by rhysd - 4
#1 opened by YoshihiroIto