This project uses Vagrant and Ansible to launch a Docker Swarm Cluster.
It is based on the following tutorial...
- Git
- Vagrant 2.2.3+
- Ansible 2.8.2+
- VirtualBox 6+
- 3 CentOS 7 Virtualbox Instances 2GB RAM / 2 vCPUs.
- The 3 nodes will be assigned the following IP addresses
- (cnode1) will be considered the Manager machine.
- Docker Swarm is configured but no services are added. An example of how to do that is included below.
git clone
cd DockerSwarm
vagrant up
vagrant ssh docker1
docker node ls
Create a service called nginx_service, using the nginx image, exposing the port 80.
docker service create --replicas 5 -p 80:80 --name nginx_service nginx
View the containers in the Swarm
docker service ps nginx_service
Ensure what all three Swarm nodes return the Welcome to nginx message
for ip in "$ips"; do curl -s http://$ip | grep --color "<h1>Welcome to nginx"; done
Remove the service
docker service rm nginx_service
Lock the Swarm
docker swarm update --autolock=true
Take a note of the Swarm key the restart the service
systemctl restart docker
docker node ls
Error response from daemon: Swarm is encrypted and needs to be unlocked before it can be used. Please use "docker swarm unlock" to unlock it.
Unlock the cluster (need to provide the swarm key when prompted)
docker swarm unlock
docker node ls