
A simulator to see the standings for tournaments after predicting remaining games' outcomes.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Standings Simulator

A simulator to see the standings for tournaments after predicting remaining games' outcomes.


Currently Displayed

  • Dota Pro Circuit Tour 3 Division 1 (all 6 regions)

To Be Added

  • Dota 2 Arlington Major Group Stage (both groups)
  • Dota 2 TI 11 Last Chance Qualifier
  • Dota 2 TI 11 Group Stage (both groups)

To Do's

  • Create a home "dashboard" page that lets the user select a tournament instead of displaying one automatically
  • Allow users to make their own tournaments (entering participating teams and upcoming matches)
  • Optimize sorting (currently uses selection sort because the number of teams has been low)


Basic Functionality: (predicting match results, sorting by score, displaying ties, and clearing predictions)

Predicting series that could end in a tie (such a best of 2 games):

Predicting tiebreaker results: