What is a micro-frontned

Micro-frontend architecture is a design approach in which an application is split into features – micro frontends – and delivered independently

Micro frontend benifits

  • Multiple teams with different responsibilities
  • Faster deployment and better release management
  • Technology freedom
  • Easy scaling
  • Continuous deployment : enable incremental updates without affecting the entire application

When to use micro frontend

  • Your project size is medium to large
  • Productivity is your priority : teams working on different features simultaneously

Core idea of micro frontend

  • Segmented parts : each feature lives within a separate micro frontend
  • Loosely coupled app – all components can be independently built, deployed, scaled and even failed independently
  • Shell – glues micro frontends together into something cohesive on a single page
  • Autonomous teams – no need to coordinate releases with other development teams

micro frontend integration approaches

  • WebComponents
    • building each micro frontend as an isolated component that can be deployed independently as a .js file
  • Module Federation
    • Allows loading micro frontends at runtime into a shell application without any build time dependency



  • adopted the micro frontend approach to encourage rapid development. This enables Netflix to release new features and updates quickly, without impacting the rest of the website.
  • a home page, search functionality, user profile settings, etc. can be cached independently and only updated when necessary, reducing the overall load time for the user.
  • Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 9 38 59 PM

implementation using module fedration

  • Create applications with command : npx create-mf-app i.e creates a Module Federation application

  • create applications for shell and other micro apps

  • for micro apps

    • develop components as we do . here ex: we are having component for header and footer

    • Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 9 53 57 PM

    • Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 9 54 22 PM

    • Now in webpack.config.js > plugins > exposes

        exposes: {
          "./Header": "./src/Header.js",
          "./Footer": "./src/Footer.js",
    • Once components are exposed re run your application and on hoisted url hit - http://localhost:3000/remoteEntry.js

      • remoteEntry.js is a file generated by Webpack's Module Federation feature
      • It exposes the modules that can be shared with other applications.
      • When a micro frontend application is loaded, it fetches the remoteEntry.js file from the remote host
  • for shell application

    • develop the application according to requrements
    • in webpack.config.js > plugins > remotes add the urls of your micro apps
    •   remotes: {
          home: "home@http://localhost:3000/remoteEntry.js",
          contact: "contact@http://localhost:9000/remoteEntry.js",
    • import it wherever you want to use
    •   import Header from "home/Header";
        import Footer from "home/Footer";
    • to lazily import microfrontend
    •   const Contact = lazy(() => import("contact/Contact"));
            path: "/contact",
            element: (
              <Suspense fallback={<div>loading</div>}>
                <Contact />
      Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 10 08 27 PM Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 10 09 08 PM

Micro frontend communication

  1. custom events Each micro frontend can listen for specific custom events and dispatch events to communicate. ex:
  window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('myCustomEvent', { detail: 'Hello from MicroFrontend1' }));
  window.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', handleCustomEvent);
  1. Shared State Management: Use a shared state management library like Redux
  2. Parent-Child Communication: parent component can pass props down to child micro frontends or use context to provide shared data and functions.
  3. Custom API: Define a custom API for communication between micro frontends.