
Command line tool to quickly create a very basic flask server.

Primary LanguagePython

fl-t: a command line tool for quick basic flask server generation

To Install

Before you install it, please change the PROJECT_DIRECTORY variable to where you want your project folders to be stored. Currently, it is optimized for my set-up, so it creates files in "/Documents/Programming/" If you would rather set up your base for your projects somewhere else, change the PROJECT_DIRECTORY variable in fl-t.py as appropriate.

$ python setup.py install

To Use

$ fl-t project_directory_name

Doing so will create a project folder for you that is set up for Flask.

It has a virtualenv (venv) ready to go with basic Flask tools (ex. Jinja) that you can fire up with

$ source venv/bin/activate

It also includes two template files, a barebones server and a simple folder structure for your project that meets Flask's structuring needs.

Right now, it is optimized for my set-up, so it creates files in "../Documents/Programming/" If you would rather set up your base for your projects somewhere else, change the PROJECT_DIRECTORY variable in fl-t.py as appropriate.

Currently includes Bootstrap and JQuery CDN links because I like having those handy.

Note: fl-t is still in beta, please feel free to let me know if you have any trouble getting it up and running.