
Use Embulk and Digdag to load CSV to PostgreSQL. Prepare the data and run SQL queries


Use Embulk and Digdag to load CSV to PostgreSQL. Prepare the data and run SQL queries

Prerequisite for this assignment on Linux Environment

  1. JAVA 8 (set java path)
  2. Install postgresql
  3. Install pgAdmin (keep the db user as "postgres" and password as "admin")
  4. Create database "td_coding_challenge"

*Note: Run all commands as superuser

  1. Install Embulk (use the following command)
$ curl --create-dirs -o ~/.embulk/bin/embulk -L "https://dl.embulk.org/embulk-latest.jar"
$ chmod +x ~/.embulk/bin/embulk
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.embulk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
  1. Install JDBC input plugins for Embulk-postgresql
$ embulk gem install embulk-input-postgresql
  1. Install JDBC output plugins for Embulk-postgresql
$ embulk gem install embulk-output-postgresql
  1. Install Digdag (use the following command)
$ curl -o ~/bin/digdag --create-dirs -L "https://dl.digdag.io/digdag-latest"
$ chmod +x ~/bin/digdag
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

*Note: Embulk and Digdag command can be tested using their respective examples

 for embulk: https://github.com/embulk/embulk#linux--mac--bsd
 for digdag: http://docs.digdag.io/getting_started.html#downloading-the-latest-version

*Note: Keep all the csv, embulk and digdag files in one folder or else provide the path.

Run the following commands to get the results:

$ sudo -s (to get super user previliges)
$ digdag secrets --local --set pg.password=admin (set the secret key)
$ digdag run tdcc.dig --rerun -O log/task (run the digdag command to get results and generte event logs)