
App structure and starting point for an Angular app using Foundation 5, using gulp as the task runner.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is seed repository for Angular & Foundation 5 apps. The structure and much of the code comes from slush-angular. This seed uses angular-ui-router instead of angular-route.


Customize Foundation through sass. Mostly, you'll set variables in the src/app/styles/foundation/_settings.scss file. For global scss variables, put them in styles/_base.scss, and import that file into your template scss files.

Instead of using Foundation's javascript files, this seed relies on Angular Foundation from Mad Mimi. For instructions on using Foundation components with Angular Foundation, please see: https://madmimi.github.io/angular-foundation/


To start developing in the project run:

gulp serve

Then head to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

The serve tasks starts a static file server, which serves the AngularJS application, and a watch task which watches all files for changes and lints, builds and injects them into the index.html accordingly.


To run tests run:

gulp test

Or first inject all test files into karma.conf.js with:

gulp karma-conf

Then you're able to run Karma directly. Example:

karma start --single-run

Production ready build - a.k.a. dist

To make the app ready for deploy to production run:

gulp dist

Now there's a ./dist folder with all scripts and stylesheets concatenated and minified, also third party libraries installed with bower will be concatenated and minified into vendors.min.js and vendors.min.css respectively.

To check your dist build, run:

gulp serve-dist

Then head to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Angular and angular-ui-router are not included in the vendors.js file. Instead, the dist task inserts links to the CDN files into index.html. Assets are also not copied over to the dist folder, and should be uploaded separately to the production server.