This is the a client/server platform for MekWars - Apocalypse. It bundles two pieces of software, MekWars and MegaMek in one package alongside many original files, e.g. graphics, unit files and more.
MegaMek is a version of BattleTech that you can play with your friends over the internet.
MekWars is a platform for matchmaking and providing deeper aspects for MegaMek, like having/managing a hangar and matchmaking.
They are both written in Java.
If your system did not come with a Java VM, or you need to update your Java VM, here are some links.
Sun Java (Linux, Solaris, Windows):
Mac OSX 10.1 and above: Java updates are included in OS updates for 10.1 and above. There is no external way to update your Java VM.
Earlier Mac OS versions:
GCJ/Gnu classpath (Linux): Of interest to experienced developers, there may be some compatibility problems.
Microsoft VM (Windows): Microsoft no longer makes their VM available for seperate download. This version of MegaMek uses features not supported by the Microsoft JVM.
IBM VM: MegaMek seems to react badly to this VM - it is not recommended.
Although MegaMek tries to be faithful to the original board game rules, in some cases, due to technical or design limitations, this is not possible. These differences are not considered "bugs." If you spot any more discrepancies, please contact the author (see "CONTACT" below.)
If the line of fire lies along the edge of two hexes, in the board game, the defender chooses which hex to use. Instead, MegaMek chooses the hex that most favors the defender.
When punching, you automatically punch with both arms, if possible. This means you can not punch two different targets in the same round.
When kicking, you automatically use the leg with the better chance to hit.
There are several situations, notably death from above, where a unit is displaced out of a hex, and that unit's owner may pick the hex to move to. MegaMek currently picks the hex for you, choosing high elevations over low ones, to avoid falling damage.
Some more that I've forgotten...
For more information, visit the websites at
For more information about the BattleTech board game, visit it's website at:
To contact the author with bug reports, suggestions, or anything else, visit the contact page on the MegaMek website, or send email to
This client consists solely of free software (GPL v2).
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
BattleTech, Mech, BattleMech and MechWarrior are Registered Trademarks of
WizKids, LLC. Original BattleTech material Copyright by WizKids, LLC.
All Rights Reserved. Used without permission.