
NodeJS 6, Redis 3.2 Geolocation Demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS Redis GeoLocation Demo

NodeJS and Redis demo for Redis 3 Geo Location query support


  • NodeJS v6.11.2 or higher
  • Redis 3.2.x
  • docker CE / docker-machine (vm) (optional but highly recommended for easiness!)

Instructions (without docker)

  1. Make sure Redis server is up & running
  2. You can do testing and coverage in this package

API Docs:

  1. / -> main route
  2. /api/v1/drivers Headers: - USER_ID, (Required) must be a number Parameters: - latitude, (Required) +/- 90 degree - longitude, (Required) +/- 180 degree - radius, (Optional in meter, default: 500m) - limit, (Optional, default: 10)

Instructions with Docker Compose

Requirement, docker CE, boot2docker or docker-machine

  1. npm install
  2. Make sure you edit docker-compose.yml.
  3. docker-compose up to run everything

NOTE: In docker-machine, you may need to change REDIS_HOST to your docker ip address.

Development Environment

  1. Create .env file, see the example in .env.sample
  2. Fill with your own setup. For example, specify PORT, REDIS, etc

Available Commands

  1. npm run dev => Development
  2. npm run prod => Production
  3. npm run test / npm test => Testing
  4. npm run lint => for linting
  5. npm run lint:fix => for automatically fixing all linting issues

Unit Testing and Coverage

Make sure you have followed Instructions part. Do the following:

  1. npm install
  2. npm test

Load Testing

The benchmark is performed by generating random lat and long within certain radius. You can see it in tests/integration/test-simultaneous-drivers-api.js.

Code Style and Linter

This project uses linter via standard instead of individual linter via eslint which troubled in setup.


  • Make API swagger docs
  • Improve load testing
  • Restructure project
  • Use better validation strategy for accepting geolocation params request?
  • Implement back Nginx as load balancer

Made by Rheza Satria (c) 2016-2017