
Primary LanguagePython

HNScraper - A Python library for scraping the Hacker News website


I'm a big fan of the Hacker News website, and over the last nine months or so, I've upvoted quite a few stories. I wanted to include links to these on my blog. In this age of RSS, I assumed this would be simple, but it was not to be. HN does not make saved stories available by RSS, doesn't support adding RSS feeds into sidebars. So I started building a homebrew solution.

The result is the hnscraper library, and the posterouscontrib program here.

The hnscraper library allows a developer to connect to the HN website, and scrape stories, currently from the front page or from a user's saved stories page.

The posterouscontrib program builds a static html file, suitable for inclusion in a Posterous sidebar by adding an iframe to a custom template.

This gives an example of an interactive session using the HNScraper object. The object acts as a wrapper around a mechanize brower. It is stateful - the usage pattern is to log in, navigate where you want and then start pulling stories:

>>> import hnscraper
>>> h=hnscraper.HNScraper()
>>> h.nav_saved_stories()
>>> stories=h.get_current_page_stories()
>>> list(stories)[0]
{'score': 254, 'link': u'http://adgrok.com/why-founding-a-three-person-startup-with-zero-revenue-is-better-than-working-for-goldman-sachs', 'user': u'cjg', 'title': u'Founding a startup with zero revenue is better than working for Goldman Sachs', 'ord': 1, 'comhead': u' (adgrok.com) '}
>>> h.nav_more()
>>> stories=h.get_current_page_stories()
>>> list(stories)[0]
{'score': 61, 'link': u'http://www.aaronstannard.com/post/2010/06/12/The-Myth-of-the-Single-Person-Startup.aspx', 'user': u'Aaronontheweb', 'title': u'The Myth of the Single-Person Startup', 'ord': 31, 'comhead': u' (aaronstannard.com) '}

The posterouscontrib program is non-interactive. To use it, make sure you have mako installed, then copy the provided hn-saved.conf.example to hn-saved.conf and edit as appropriate - full path names are recommended. The output file should be made available via a publicly accessible webserver. Once you are happy that the program is operating correctly, it can be included in a crontab for regular execution.

The commented snippet at the top of the template/output file can be included in your Posterous template, with an updated url, to make your Hacker News saved stories available through your Posterous sidebar. The template has been designed to work with the standard Posterous template - the CSS will need editing if you are using an alternative template.

~/hnscraper/src$ python posterouscontrib/make-html.py
INFO:hn-saved:Running script in /home/edparcell/hn-saved/make-html.py
INFO:hn-saved:Loading configuration
INFO:hn-saved:Setting up scraper
INFO:hn-saved:Logging into Hacker News
INFO:hn-saved:Logged into Hacker News
INFO:hn-saved:Loading saved stories page 1
INFO:hn-saved:Loading saved stories page 2
INFO:hn-saved:Loading saved stories page 3
INFO:hn-saved:Loading saved stories page 4
INFO:hn-saved:Loading saved stories complete. Found 119 stories.
INFO:hn-saved:Loading mako template file
INFO:hn-saved:Rendering html output file
INFO:hn-saved:Rendering html output file complete
INFO:hn-saved:Saving html output
INFO:hn-saved:Html output saved
INFO:hn-saved:Finished. Exiting.