
This is an app which counts the number of yeast colonies by clicking an image of a petri dish by using Fast radial Symmetry Transform.


Counting yeast colonies is a task undertaken on a daily basis in research labs, after talking to some researchers at Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), Delhi and hearing their plight, we thought to make an app, to automate this process.


  1. Data Collection : It involved getting dataset of images of different colonies
  2. Preprocessing of images: It involved 2 steps:
    1. Deleting false positives, i.e outside the petri dish region.
    2. Converting image to Grayscale
  3. Algorithm:
    1. Edge Detection
    2. Shape identification (On the basis of Convexity, Circularity, Area, Inertia Ratio)


Output Output

Technologies Used:

  1. OpenCV
  2. Python
  3. Kivy (App development)

Team Members:

  1. Juhi Pandey
  2. Parth Garg
  3. Ria Gupta
  4. Vishesh Agarwal
  5. Vrinda Singhal

