
Fightmate is used to learn boxing in the absence of a professional trainer. You can ask any of your friends to land a punch on you. The 2 bands on your wrist will tell you the best move i.e the optimum move to avoid the punch and hit back.

Primary LanguagePython


Fightmate is used to learn boxing in the absence of a professional trainer. You can ask any of your friends to land a punch on you. The 2 bands on your wrist will tell you the best move i.e the optimum move to avoid the punch and hit back.


  1. Adwit Singh
  2. Amandeep Kaur
  3. Ria Gupta
  4. Ritik Malik

Project Abstract:

How many times have you wondered that you need a little guidance in the field of self-defense and boxing?

Well here we are with an amazing product that not only gives you a training but also a great deal of confidence in the art of boxing. This product contains a pair of special gloves for the instructor and a pair of bands for the user with a camera headset.

The instructor is supposed to do punch moves which are captured by the webcam attached on the cap of the user & accordingly it delivers the best move user can do (apparently a block & then the attack).

We have vibration motors on the band which will instruct the user which hand to move and in which direction. This is because in real life situation, when someone attacks at us, we become numb and paralyzed with fear; so no need to worry about these situations as long as you have spent a good time with our fascinating product!


  1. Vibrational Motors - (Gloves)
  2. LED bulbs (optional) -(Gloves)
  3. Webcam (camera based cap)
  4. Florosence marked trainer gloves.
  5. Computing Device (Laptop/ Rpi etc)

Setup and instructions

  1. Ask your friend to wear our special gloves.
  2. Wear the cap with the camera headset and 2 bands on hands.
  3. Now, you're good to go, just ask your friend to land a punch on you! calm down, the bands will tell you everything to block and attack !


You can have a look at the video and other setup information from the website: https://sites.google.com/iiitd.ac.in/fightmate/