
Live Project Link

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Job Portal Project

by TechForing

🚀 About Me

MD Samiul Alam Khan

Project name - job portal

required by - Techforing

Project links

Since server is running on a low computing power, it may take some time to create a new account or sending anyother requests to Api.


Email khanriad60@gmail.com

Phone Number - +8801795024751

Project Idea

please read it to bottom

So This Project is about Job portal where a user can create a account, login to his account, on home page user can see all his jobs list, can see details about a job item, delete a job list and add a job list.

Project Requirements

API Endpoints:

Create jobs And View jobs (Allowed: POST, GET. required to pass access token key)

Edit/Remove job(Allowed: PUT, PATCH, DELETE)

Sign_up user(Allowed: POST)

Sign_in user (Allowed: POST)


I need design the React JS app with Material UI

Must have to use React Router V6

JWT authentication should be used

Note that without login, the user will not see any of the pages (use Private Routing)

how I built & manage the project

For authentication && Creating user

I used Material UI to design the forms. For routing, I used React Router. I used React Hook Form to control the form inputs. With React Hook Form, I used "required" and "password matches" validation and used Material UI's built-in TextField input to give a nice UI experience. Working with React Router, I used the useSubmit hook for submitting the form data so I could use React Router's page action functionality.

When the user submits the create account form, I built an API endpoint on the server where, if an account already exists, it will return an error and show that the account already exists using the useActionData hook. If a user does not exist, it will create a new user, and the password will be hashed using bcrypt. It will then return success, and the Signup page will automatically (using useNavigate) switch to the Login page.

Here, the user can input data. After verifying that the account exists, if it does exist, the API will verify the password and send the JWt token to the client side. It will be saved in the user's browser local storage, and the user will be entered into the Home page. Since I need to prevent users from visiting the Home page when they are not logged in, I used Private Routing using react Context API and useReducer to prevent the user from entering the Home page. Using a JWT token, I prevent the Home page from rendering its components and go back to the Login page. I used useNavigate and a JWT token here.

also after login user can use logout button from nav menu, it will logged out the user. and delete the jwt token from local storage and

authentication Context's user state will become null

For Home page

I used multiple Material UI components to design the home page. When a user enters the home page, I used React Query's useQuery hook to load the jobs list from the server using the jobs/all endpoint (which requires a JWT token). Upon entry, three demo job cards are displayed, intended to enhance user experience. These cards cannot be deleted using the delete button as they do not originate from the API. Their purpose is to prevent a blank page for new users, which would negatively impact UX. As this project did not necessitate blank state functionality, it was not implemented. While I could have also integrated Framer Motion or GSAP liberaries for animation, I opted for a simpler approach for this project.

Users can delete job posts using the delete button, which triggers an API request to the backend server (requiring a JWT token). The item is will be deleted, and used React Query's useMutation hook for ensures the jobs list reflects this change. The job post cards feature a button to view project details. when pressing this view button, the user is redirected to the job view page. Here, I used React Router's built-in Route functionality, loader. Within this loading function, I utilize params to retrieve the job item's ID, enabling the fetching of job item details. The job view page also includes a delete button. If pressed, an API request is sent, and after item deletion ( using async/await), the user is seamlessly returned to the home page.

Due to the asynchronous nature of these operations, careful handling is crucial to prevent potential bugs.

For Creating a new Job post

I used React Router's action functionality here to ensure that both the title and description fields are filled before firing the API request. This request also verifies the provided token and, after successful authentication, creates a new job post for the user. After submission, the new project is added, and the user is redirected back to the home page. This updated home page automatically reflects the newly added item.

how to navigate the website

when you enter the website, a login page will be fired of, since you don't have account switch to create account page, create a account (🙂 feel free to check the validation) then it will be switch back to login page, log in to your account with right email & password, then in home menu three demo card will be there. those are unfunctional, go to create new job page, create a one it will switch back to home page and now use view button to view the details and go back to home using home button on navbar and delete it, it will be deleted

Provided Links and file

I provided my github repo on the link on submitting field for my project given by Techforing website I aslo provide my fullstack resources file on the uploading file section.

since you also asked for live project link but in that particular input fields only accept one link so i only able to give the github repo Link and project files. eventually I also provided live project link in top along with server hosting link .

I used netlify for hosting the website (front end)

I used render for hosting the backend

if you download the resources file on the you need to change the api end points to local machine location and the change the port

also use .env file for authentication token

Your Website's submitting file section also the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/12FtskhOh0brNFbQpDbtUX4KZE4_sEw3k/view

API Reference

Create new user ->

  GET /api/users
Parameter Type Description
email string Required.
Password string Required.
name string Required.

create a hashed password in server && jobs Array for job item

returns success

Login ->

  GET /users/login
Parameter Type Description
email string Required.
Password string Required.

authorized with JWT authentication send back jwt access token

returns the access token

Get Jobslist ->

  GET /jobs/all
Parameter Type Description
APi Key/jwt token string Required.

return all the jobs list

Get Job ->

  GET /jobs/:jobId
Parameter Type Description
APi Key/jwt token string Required.
jobID number Required.

return the single specific job

Add Job->

  GET /jobs/add
Parameter Type Description
APi Key/jwt token string Required.
job-Data Object Required.

create new job

Delete Job->

  GET /jobs/
Parameter Type Description
APi Key/jwt token string Required.
jobID number Required.

Delete job item