
Fashion info .. In this platform users can showcase their own fashionable product verified user show post update or delete their product

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Site Link


  • Frontend (react, tailwind, daisyUi, react router)
  • Backend (node, express)
  • Database : (Mongodb)

Site features

  • Complete responsive site.
  • User can book service use it
  • User can change status of service (Complete, Inprogress, Pending)
  • Service owner can edit and delete the service
  • User can write blog and publish it
  • Showing loading image on loading state
  • User can search for specific service he/she needed
  • Every CRUD will show toast if successfull if fail then it will show faild toast

Packages i have used

  • React simple type writer
  • React motion framer
  • Showing loading /jpg on loading state
  • Extra Section blow writing route
  • Explored and implemented DRAG feature of the animations from the Framer Motion
  • Css Packages (Tailwind framework (Tailwind Css, Flowbite, DaisyUi))