
Primary LanguageJavaScript

To Do List


The Simple To-Do List project is a web application designed to help users manage their tasks in an organized manner. It provides basic functionality for creating, editing, and deleting tasks, as well as marking tasks as completed, todo, ongoing.


  • Three Column: User can add individual task TODO, ONGOING, COMPLETE
  • Tasks: All task has different color.
  • Add Task: Users can add new tasks to the list by entering task names and pressing add card button.
  • Edit Task: Tasks can be edited inline by clicking on pen icon.
  • Delete Task: Tasks can be deleted individually by clicking on the delete button next to each task.
  • Mark Task as Completed: Tasks can be marked as completed by clicking on the complete button next to each task.
  • Mark Task as To Do: Tasks can be marked as todo by clicking on the to do button next to each task.
  • Mark Task as OnGoing: Tasks can be marked as ongoing by clicking on the ongoing button next to each task.
  • User can change priority High Low Medium each priority has a color High (red color) Medium (yellow color) Low (green color)
  • User can search the tasks and filter with priority's.

Technology or packages i used

  • React.js
  • Material UI
  • Tailwind
  • React Icon

Installation Process

  • Clone the project.
  • After cloning the project go inside the cloned project.
  • Open terminal
  • Run NPM I command after completing the dependency installation run NPM RUN DEV (small later).
  • Try to run the command's small later