
Docker recipe with MySQL (server), Adminer (db management) and phpMyAdmin (another db management).

MIT LicenseMIT


Docker recipe with MySQL (server), Adminer (db management) and phpMyAdmin (another db management).

Use case

  • For educational material.
  • For you that want to start MySQL container with database management included (Adminer/phpMyAdmin).
  • For development environment that use MySQL.
  • For note to myself.
  • For inspiration to other users.


How to run?

First please have a look on some config on MySQL container, open docker-compose.yml and look on db section, you should adjust it to fit your needs, such as password, username etc.

docker compose up -d

How to check if it's running?

docker ps

How to use or connect to MySQL?

We provide 2 (two) database management here, because I like both. First you can use Adminer, so access it via http://localhost:8080, the second we also provide phpMyAdmin, so access it via http://localhost:8081.



Maintained by Sony Arianto Kurniawan <sony@sony-ak.com> and contributors.