
Collection of some tools I make for modding Avorion

Primary LanguagePython


author: Rian Drake
contact: riandrake#6840

Avorion Documentation Patcher


This script implements a simple monkey patch for the Avorion documentation that replaces all of the function definitions found in each file with hyperlinks whenever an avorion type (with documentation nearby) is found.

Prerequisites (for compiling)

Python 3.8+

Config (config.ini)

Here is where you can tweak some settings. If you make a mistake and you are not sure how to fix it, just delete config.ini and it will regenerate the next time you run the script.

inputdirectory = The directory where you want to read html documentation from.
outputdirecotry = The directory where you want to write patched documentation to (must be different).

Avorion Stub Generator


This script looks at the documentation generated by the AvorionDocumentationPatcher and generates a bunch of stub lua files you can use to help with autocomplete and intellisense in your favourite text editor

Prerequisites (for compiling)

Python 3.8+ BeautifulSoup

How to use

Download the stubs.zip from the latest release on the release page, extract the contents into your mods/ directory or wherever you're developing. After that, open your workspace and hopefully your text editor has loaded the files for autocompletion.

Tested for use in Intellij IDEA Community with EmmyLua

Tested on VS CODE, using the extension [lua] (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sumneko.lua) Add the stub files into a "lib" folder and add the following settings to your setting file : File location : - Windows %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json - macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json - Linux $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json Settings :

    "Lua.workspace.library": [
        "C:\\path\\to\\lib"<-- To fill
    "Lua.runtime.special": {
        "include": "require"
    "Lua.diagnostics.severity": {
        "lowercase-global": "Hint"
    "Lua.diagnostics.disable": [

Visual Studio might still work, but I(Bubbet) haven't tested it personally.