
Flexibel yolo5 for different backbones and heads!

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repo is heavily based on official_yolo5 and official_yolox. If you are taking an interest in anchor-based detection >> official_yolo5 or anchor-free detection >> official_yolox, please feel free to follow official codeRepo to get more innovative and timely updates!

Flexible yolo5

This repo aims to make yolo5 more flexible for not only easy to change backbones, and also have two heads (yolo5_head and yolox_head) for your choice! Besides, the new updates support flexible anchors, such as:

# default yolo5 anchors
ANCHORS      = [[10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23], [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119], [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326]]

# flexible anchors
ANCHORS1_0   = [[10, 13, 16, 30], None, None]  # means: only put anchors on d1 layer, and two anchors for each map point
ANCHORS2_0_2 = [[10, 13], None, [116, 90]]     # means: put anchors on d1、d3 layers, and only one anchor for each map point
ANCHORS3     = [[10, 13], [30,  61], [116, 90]]# means: put one anchor for each map point for all(d1、d2 and d3) layers

# set up flexible anchors
You can setup your own anchors by modify the param "anchors_fpn" on hyp file (default: data/hyps/hyp.scratch.yaml)!

And the following backbones and heads are supported in this repo!


NetWork Variant Model
yolo5 n、s、m、l、x conv
resnext p、n、m、t、s、l、h、g conv
coatnet p、n、m、t、s、l、h、g conv+transformer
convnext p、n、m、t、s、l、h、g conv
uniformer p、n、m、t、s、l、h、g transformer
swin_transformer p、n、m、t、s、l、h、g transformer
swin_mlp p、n、m、t、s、l、h、g mlp


HeadType Variant
yolo5 n、s、m、l、x
yolox n、s、m、l、x

Getting Started


python train.py \
    --bkbo_variant ${NetWork}-${Variant} \
    --head_variant ${HeadType}-${Variant} \
    --pretrained path_to_pretrain \
    --data coco.yaml \
    --batch-size 128 \
    --gpu0_bs 40

# training with yolo5 head
python train.py --bkbo_variant resnext-s --head_variant yolo5-n --data coco.yaml --batch-size 64 --gpu0_bs 10
# training with yolox head
python train.py --bkbo_variant resnext-s --head_variant yolox-s --data coco.yaml --batch-size 48 --gpu0_bs 10

# To quickly verify, automaticly download coco128 datasets(<6M)
python train.py --bkbo_variant yolo5-n --head_variant yolo5-n --batch-size 64


python detect.py --weight path_to_trained_weight --source path_to_img_file

Export onnx

python export.py --weight path_to_trained_weight \
                 --img-size 640 640 \
                 --print-onnx       #! whether to print a human readable model


--gpu0_bs: batch_size of gpu-idx-0

  • The default vaule for gpu0_bs is 0, means DataParallel-train while torch.cuda.device_count() > 1.
  • If you set gpu0_bs greater than 0, means BalancedDataParallel-train while torch.cuda.device_count() > 1.
    • Please make sure that (total-batch-size - gpu0_bs) % (torch.cuda.device_count() - 1) = 0

--original_model_benchmark_test: build original yolo5 detect model for training

Training with param --original_model_benchmark_test to build official yolo5 model, and set param --cfg for different variants!

python train.py --original_model_benchmark_test --cfg models/yamls/yolov5n.yaml --batch-size 64 


  • Add yolox head!
  • Complete the model test!