
"Connecting Laravel with oracle11g"

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel 4.1 with Oracle DB

Laravel-OCI8 is an Oracle Database Driver package for Laravel 4. Laravel-OCI8 is an extension of Illuminate/Database that uses OCI8 extension to communicate with Oracle..This project is totally based on https://github.com/yajra/laravel-4.1-starter-kit using https://github.com/yajra/laravel-oci8

It includes examples on how to use the framework itself and how to use some packages, like the awesome Sentry 2 package.

Included goodies

  • Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2
  • jQuery 1.10.2
  • Custom CLI Installer
  • Custom Error Pages:
    • 403 for forbidden page access
    • 404 for not found pages
    • 500 for internal server errors
    • 503 for the maintenance page
  • Back-end
    • User and Group management
    • Manage blog posts and comments
  • Front-end
    • User login, registration, activation and forgot password
    • User account area
    • Blog functionality with commentaries
    • Contact us page
  • Packages included:


  • PHP 5.3.7 or later
  • MCrypt PHP Extension
  • OCI8 PHP Extension (if you will user Oracle DB)

How to Install

1) Downloading

1.1) Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/yajra/laravel-4.1-starter-kit.git

1.2) Download the Repository


2) Install the Dependencies via Composer

2.1) If you don't have composer installed globally
cd your-folder
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
2.2) For globally composer installations
cd your-folder
composer install

3) Setup Database

Now that you have the Starter Kit cloned and all the dependencies installed, you need to create a database and update the file app/config/database.php.

4) Setup Mail Settings

Now, you need to setup your mail settings by just opening and updating the following file app/config/mail.php.

This will be used to send emails to your users, when they register and they request a password reset.

5) Make sure app/storage is writable by your web server.

If permissions are set correctly:

chmod -R 775 app/storage

Should work, if not try

chmod -R 777 app/storage

6) Use custom CLI Installer Command

Now, you need to create yourself a user and finish the installation.

Use the following command to create your default user, user groups and run all the necessary migrations automatically.

php artisan app:install


This is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license

9) Additional information

Inspired by and based on laravel4-starter-kit (https://github.com/brunogaspar/laravel4-starter-kit)