
My Sublime Text user settings for OS X and Linux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sublime Text - User settings

My user settings and packages for Sublime Text.


The awesome Soda Theme and Monokai Extended color scheme.

Sensible set of preferences in Preferences.sublime-settings, mainly for handling indentation, trailing whitespaces and tweaking several other small features. Go check the file for an extensive listing of features. It's commented and easy to read!

Development packages:

  • DocBlockr: Simplifies writing DocBlock comments.
  • Emmet: The essential toolkit for web-developers.
  • SublimeCodeIntel: Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine.
  • SublimeLinter: Interactive code linting framework for Sublime Text 3.
  • SublimeLinter-flake8*: SublimeLinter plugin for python, using flake8.

Interface packages:

Syntax Highlighting packages:

  • AngularJS: AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.
  • CMake: Syntax highlighting for CMake files.
  • LESS: LESS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
  • Jinja2: Synxtax highlighting for Jinja2 templates.
  • Mako: Syntax highlighting for Mako templates.
  • SASS: A new syntax highlighting package for both SCSS and Sass.

Writing packages:

Misc tools:

  • Less2Css: Sublime Text Plugin to compile less files to css on save.

(*) These packages have dependencies that won't be installed. Check the link for further instructions.


Install PackageControl for it to automatically download the other packages later on.

Go to your Packages directory:

  • OS X: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/
  • Linux: cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages

Backup your current User package:

mv User/ User-old/

Clone the repository as your User package:

git clone https://github.com/OmeGak/sublime-text-user-settings.git User

Restart Sublime Text and you should be good to go. It won't harm keeping an eye on the console output (Ctrl+`) to check if there is any problem.


Go to your User package directory and just pull from the repository:

git pull

Once again, restart Sublime Text and check for errors on the console output (Ctrl+`).


Some tips to improve even further your Sublime Text.


Remember that these are my personal settings and packages, so be wary of any unwanted features that can be added or removed without notice. If you find them useful, it's probably better to fork the repository and modify it to best fit your needs.