
Set of bash scripts to set up a bare metal kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageShell

Archival notice

This repo was made before the emergence of tooling for making the provisioning of kubernetes clusters easy. I'm keeping it up mostly for sentimental reasons. If you actually want to set up a kubernetes cluster, use k3s, kind, or microk8s.


This is a set of bash scripts to automatically set up a single-master, multi-node bare metal kubernetes cluster.


The objective is to have a set of scripts that rely just on bash to deploy an on-prem kubernetes cluster. The code is supposed to be readable to a bash novice.

Does this have bugs?

Probably. This code comes with no warranty or guarantees whatsoever. Feel free to create an issue if you find one.


At least two new CentOS installs, with static IP addresses, unique hostnames, and a sudo user names centos-master.

End Result

  • Base OS: CentOS 7
  • Docker version: docker-ce-18.06.2.ce
  • Kubeadm version: 1.15
  • Persisitent proxy configuration for yum, docker and master node .bashrc.
  • MetalLB load balancer.
  • Traefik reverse proxy ingress.
  • NFS-backed client provisioner.
  • Cockpit server and cluster management webUI, running on master.
  • Minio object storage in distributed mode.
  • Jupyterhub (two namespaces - sandbox, and workbench) with Gitlab OAuth.
  • Airflow not yet implemented.
  • Velero backup, backing up weekly to Minio.
  • NFS backups, backing up weekly to Minio.


  1. Clone this repo to your local machine.
  2. Edit set_variables.sh to suit your environment.
  3. Check that the kubernetes_deploy.sh script will install everything you want (comment out what you don't want)
  4. bash kubernetes_deploy.sh
  5. Enter ssh passwords a few times while keys get swapped around.

Why not...?

Why not SaltStack, or Ansible?

These bash scripts were built incrementally while I manually set up my personal cluster. There are definitely more efficient, flexible, configurable ways to do this. It works for me, and I think it's kinda cool that it's all just good 'ol bash.

Why not EKS or GKE?

I was given a constraint - no cloud under any circumstances. If you have access to cloud, use it.

Why not Kubernetes the hard way?

Kubernetes the hard way is a great way to learn the ins and outs of how kubernetes works. This repo is not about learning things (or, I guess, it is about learning the quickest way to get up a bare-metal cluster :)). If you are studying for the Kubernetes Certified Administrator exam, go with Kubernetes the Hard Way.