- alias:init
- alias:show
- database:dump
- database:dumpthis
- database:importthis
- database:sync
- fileadmin:sync
I case of use please create aliases of your instances. Recommended usage is:
- @local for local instances
- @dev for foreign instances (dev-branch)
- @test for foreign instances (test-branch)
- @prod for foreign instances (master-branch)
For extended usage of database commands you will be forced to create aliases to sync between them
To just dump your local database use
- database:dumpthis $: ../vendor/bin/typo3 database:dumpthis
Same for import your local database use
- database:dumpthis $: ../vendor/bin/typo3 database:importthis
This will move your database from local to dev server
- database:sync $: ../vendor/bin/typo3 database:sync @local @dev
If you like to dump on foreign host
- database:dump $: ../vendor/bin/typo3 database:dump @dev
A simple way to sync fileadmins between local or foreign hosts
Sync your files
- fileadmin:sync $: ../vendor/bin/typo3 fileadmin:sync @local @dev