
Ribbon bytecode interpreter

Primary LanguageZigApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ribbon Language Logo


The Ribbon Virtual Machine


This is a virtual machine implementation for the Ribbon programming language.

For the bytecode ISA specification, see rbc-isa

For the bytecode implementation, see rbc



  • ✅ Bytecode interpreter (90%)
  • 🟥 CLI (0%)
  • 🟥 C Api (0%)

Initial development of the interpreter itself is essentially complete, aside from the foreign function interface. Some bug squashing is likely still necessary, of course, as testing is minimal at this time. C-Api and CLI are non-existent right now.

Todo for v0.1.0 release:

  • Foreign function interface
  • Implement CLI
  • Implement C Api
  • More testing and cleanup


Eventually I will create some places for public discourse about the language, for now you can reach me via:

  • Email: noxabellus@gmail.com
  • Discord DM, or on various dev servers: my username is noxabellus
  • For rvm-specific inquiries, feel free to create an issue on this repository


Building from source

You will need zig; likely, a nightly build. The latest version known to work is 0.14.0-dev.1583+812557bfd.

You can either:

Zig Build Commands

There are several commands available for zig build that can be run in usual fashion (i.e. zig build run):

Command Description
run Build and run a quick debug test version of rvm only (No headers, readme, lib ...)
quick Build a quick debug test version of rvm only (No headers, readme, lib ...)
full Runs the following commands: test, readme, header
verify Runs the following commands: verify-readme, verify-header, verify-tests
check Run semantic analysis on all files referenced by a unit test; do not build artifacts (Useful with zls build on save)
release Build the release versions of Rvm for all targets
unit-tests Run unit tests
cli-tests Run cli tests
c-tests Run C tests
test Runs the following commands: unit-tests, cli-tests, c-tests
readme Generate ./README.md
header Generate ./include/rvm.h
verify-readme Verify that ./README.md is up to date
verify-header Verify that ./include/rvm.h is up to date
verify-tests Verify that all tests pass (this is an alias for test)

Running zig build alone will build with the designated or default target and optimization levels.

See zig build --help for more information.

Zig Build Options

In addition to typical zig build options, the build script supports the following options (though not all apply to every step):

Option Description Default
-DlogLevel=<log.Level> Logging output level to display .err
-DlogScopes=<string> Logging scopes to display rvm
-DuseEmoji=<bool> Use emoji in the output true
-DuseAnsiStyles=<bool> Use ANSI styles in the output true
-DforceNewSnapshot=<bool> (Tests) Force a new snapshot to be created instead of referring to an existing one false
-DstripDebugInfo=<bool> Override for optimization-specific settings for stripping debug info from the binary. This will default to true when -Doptimize is not set to Debug
-DmaximumInlining=<bool> Override for optimization-specific settings for inlining as much as possible in the interpreter. This will default to true when -Doptimize is not set to Debug

See zig build --help for more information.

Inclusion as a library

From Zig

  1. Include Rvm in your build.zig.zon in the .dependencies section, either by linking the tar, zig fetch, or provide a local path to the source.
  2. Add Rvm to your module imports like this:
const rvm = b.dependency("rvm", .{
    // these should always be passed to ensure ribbon is built correctly
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,

    // additional options can be passed here, these are the same as the build options
    // i.e.
    // .logLevel = .info,
module.addImport("Rvm", rvm.module("Core"));
  1. See src/bin/rvm.zig for usage

From C

Should be straight forward, when the API is in place. Current status: 0%

Use the included header file, then link your program with the .lib/.a file.

From other languages

If your host language has C FFI, it should be fairly straight forward. If you make a binding for another language, please let me know and I will link it here.


The rvm executable is a work in progress.

CLI Usage

rvm [--use-emoji <bool>] [--use-ansi-styles <bool>] <path>...
rvm --help
rvm --version

CLI Options

Option Description
--help Display options help message, and exit
--version Display SemVer2 version number for Rvm, and exit
--use-emoji <bool> Use emoji in the output [Default: true]
--use-ansi-styles <bool> Use ANSI styles in the output [Default: true]
<path>... Files to execute