
CodeDeploy Blue/Green deployments can create an Auto Scaling Group on your behalf, but will not link them to your Target Group. This is a potential issue if you rely on ELB Health Checks in your ASG. This SAM serverless function will automatically link your CodeDeploy Green Auto Scaling Groups to the Target Group defined in your Deployment Group.

Setup instructions:

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Package the SAM template and upload it to S3:
    $ aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket <S3 Bucket> --output-template-file packaged.yaml

    Note: replace <S3 Bucket> with a bucket in the same region of where the stack will be created.

  3. Deploy the function with CloudFormation:
    $ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name linkGreenASG --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

This function will attempt to link ASGs for all Blue/Green deployments happening on the account/region where the function is deployed, so not further configuration is needed.

Note: this function will only link ASGs that have a Health Check Type set to ELB