
My dotfiles for NixOS

Primary LanguageLua

My Dotfiles 💾

Dotfiles for NixOS.

📦 Installation

To install, run:

nix-shell -p wget
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ribru17/.dotfiles/master/scripts/dotfiles_install.sh | sh

This script will download all files, regenerate the hardware configuration, and set up everything to be tracked in the Git repo.

🚀 Usage

System configuration is found in ~/.config/nixos/, and can be rebuilt with the nix:rebuild command. Flake inputs can be updated with nix:update.

Remember to update the nixos-hardware device property name in flake.nix.

📷 Screenshots

  • Font: Iosevka, Custom Extended 15pt
  • Theme: Bamboo, multiplex variant

Neovim Dashboard Showcase

Neovim Markdown Showcase

Neovim Code-editing Showcase

🔗 Reference

Credit to this article for getting me started!