
weex-vue-weexui-project 集成了weexui,使用eslint 规范代码

Primary LanguageJavaScript


使用说明: cd weex1

npm start //web

npm run android //android

npm run ios //ios


Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS5.1'

解决方案: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899920/code-signing-is-required-for-product-type-application-in-sdk-ios5-1

npm start

Starts the development server for you to preview your weex page on browser. You can also scan the QR code using weex playground to preview weex page on native.

npm run dev

Open the code compilation task in watch mode.

npm run ios

(Mac only, requires Xcode) Starts the development server and loads your app in an iOS simulator.

npm run android

(Requires Android build tools) Starts the development server and loads your app on a connected Android device or emulator.

npm run pack:ios

(Mac only, requires Xcode) Packaging ios project into ipa package.

npm run pack:android

(Requires Android build tools) Packaging android project into apk package.

npm run pack:web

Packaging html5 project into web/build folder.

npm run test

Starts the test runner.