
C Minus Minus

Primary LanguageC

C Minus Minus

An experiment in coding C like it was Go.



  • A workspace is a directory with src, pkg and bin sub directories.
  • A package directory path under the src sub directory is a URI to a git repository.
  • Path based imports are be resolved by using the path segments as a URI for a git clone should the package path not exist in the src directory.
  • A package directory contains *.c files (no *.h files).
  • Header files are generated automatically from publicly declared functions and variables.
  • Public functions or variables must start with the packages directory name and a capital letter.
  • A publicly declared struct must have public CreateStructName() and DestroyStructName() functions which should manage all memory for that struct.
  • The src directory must contain all code required to compile the binary (no linked binaries are allowed).
  • The pkg directory contains all generated code made from the src directory.
  • The bin directory contains compiled binaries installed via this workspace.
  • Files ending in _test.c are only used by test compiles.


git clone git@github.com:ricallinson/cmm.git
. ./cmm/cmm.sh
go build ./cmm/workspace/src/github.com/cmm/cmmb # Then add to execution path.
cd ./cmm/workspace/src/github.com/cmm/hello
cmm here
cmm test


Prints all commands cmm supports;

cmm help

Prints the current version of cmm;

cmm version

Prints all environment variables used by cmm;

cmm env

Sets the current workspace by finding the workspace the current directory is in;

cmm here

Create a new workspace at the given directory;

cmm here .

Removes the pkg and _gcov directories;

cmm clean

Download and install packages and dependencies for the given URI;

TODO: cmm get <Package URI>

Execute all _test.c files in the current directory;

cmm test

Execute all _test.c files in the current directory and all sub directories recursively;

TODO: cmm test ...

Compile the files in the current directory and place the binary in the bin directory;

cmm install