Yuxi Global - Angular Test

Adicional Dependencies

1. Introduction

In this test you will be asked to build a set of functionalities in Angular. You will be provided a set of mockups and a base project we have already setup for you in this repository.

We will review your submission following the evaluation criteria, make sure you don't miss it!

2. Challenge Definition

You must build the following interface using the base project:

Team Challenges

3. Data Layer

The data associated with the mockups is attached in this repository as json files. Take a look at the assets/fake-data folder. You must use the Angular HTTP Module to fetch the information from the .json files.

4. Base Project

The base project (you will use as starting point) is hosted in this repository and it's deployed here. The red square is where we want to see the functionality you build.

My Challenges

5. Evaluation Criteria

Category Percentage
1. Creativity 50%
2. Code Quality 30%
3. Browser Support 20%

5.1 Creativity

We'd love to see if you are capable of coming up with a more usable and intuitive interface. A completely new looking version of the existing. Maybe you would get rid of the tabs, or perhaps the ellipsis. It's your call. Whatever that makes us say: "Wow!"

5.2 Code Quality

How readable, clean and modular is your code? Are you using the best practices?

5.3 Browser Support

We don't want to leave any browser behind, make sure your website renders correctly in Edge and IE11.

6. Setup your development environment

If you don't have a GitHub account, you must create one.

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone it in your local development environment
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm start
  5. Now you should see this in your local machine
  6. You are all setup and ready to start

7. Delivery Conditions

Your solution should be delivered through the forked GitHub repository. It should meet the following conditions:

  1. Make sure the repository is public so anyone can see the code.
  2. We will clone your repository and test it locally, if your solution requires additional setup besides $ npm install and $ npm start, then make sure you state it in the README.md file.
  3. Your solution should be deployed live so that we can also hit a URL and see it. We recommend you to use GitHub pages but it is up to you.

If deploying to GitHub pages remember to use the command: ng build --prod --aot -bh ./

8. Deadline

The solution must be submitted and uploaded in your repository before Tuesday, August 1st at 11:59 a.m.

9. Additional Notes

9.1 Environment Tools

  • This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.2.6.
  • Your Node version should be 6.10.0 at least
  • Your NPM version should be 3.10.0 at least

If you encounter issues setting up the base project, just upgrade your tools to the latest, that can help.

9.2 Third-party libraries

You are free to use third-party libraries as long as you have a good reason for it.

Data Layer

The following is a description of every single data shown in the interface

1. Dashboard Summary

This holds general information for the whole application using graphics.

Dashboard Summary

1.1 Entries to review

This is the result of calculating the sum of all the entries (numberOfEntries property) of all the Team Challenges (TeamChallenges.json)


1.2 Personal Status

The Average Score is the average of every Overall Score (overallScore property ) of each of the completed (Challenges whose completedDate property is different than null) challenges from my challenges (MyChallenges.json).


1.3 Challenges to Complete

The Challenges to Complete value is the number of all the challenges whose completedDate property is null.


2. Team Challenges

Team Challenges

2.1 Invited

The Invited value can be taken from the numberInvited property.

2.2 Entries

The Entries value can be taken from the numberOfEntries property.

2.3 Pending to Review

The challenges Pending to Review are shown according to the property numberToReview which is present on each item of the TeamChallenges.json

Pending Pending

2.4 Ellipsis Button

The ellipsis button opens the following options. Don't worry, such buttons don't have any behavior:


3. My Challenges

My Challenges

3.1 Created By

The Created By value can be taken from the challengerFirstName and challengerLastName properties.

3.2 Average Score

The Average Score value can be taken from the overallScore property.

3.3 Invited

The Invited value can be taken from the modifiedDate property.

3.4 Completed Challenges

Challenges to be completed can be calculated taking a look at the completedDate property. If it is null, then such challenge is still incomplete.

Completed Completed