
Load a point cloud file in PCD format and display it with pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer class

PCL Documentation: https://pointclouds.org/

PCD File format: http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/pcd_file_format.html


simple_pcd_viewer <input_PCD_filename>

E.g. simple_pcd_viewer ../sample_point_clouds/wolf.pcd

PCL Visualizer Key and Mouse Mappings

  • q: Exit
  • +: Increase point size
  • -: Decrease point size
  • u: Display color lookup table (toggle on/off)
  • c: Display current camera parameters (in console)
  • g: Display scale grid (toggle on/off)
  • Alt f: Maximize window (toggle on/off)
  • Alt +: Zoom In
  • Alt -: Zoom Out
  • Left mouse button down: Rotate
  • Middle mouse button down: Pan
  • Right mouse button down: Zoom

