Facebook Post Image without Status in Device
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Problem Detected:
In iPhone 5S (8.3) and using Titanium SDK 3.5.1.GA when installing the application and want to share content using socialWidget only allows posting the attached image, but not the text of Status to post on Facebook; While using the same code but using the iPhone Simulator 5, 5S, 6 and if possible publish 6plus image and text status.
Source code employee
function shareImageWidget() {
var img = 'img/gm.png';
var socialWidget = Alloy.createWidget('com.alcoapps.socialshare');
status : 'Hola Mexico!',
image : img
Attachment Device and simulator screens
This module is a wrapper around Ti.SocialFramework on iOS. Any question about this behavior should be directed to the author of that module at https://github.com/viezel/TiSocial.Framework